Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I was called and emailed by the shelter near me. They just got in a Pekingese-- an owner turn-in. He was a little older, they thought about eight. (He may be a little older.) They wanted to know if we could help.
I went over to visit with him, took him to the enclosed visiting area. He was whining some-- he didn't know why he was there. I didn't know either.
He kept going to the gate, and whining, as if he was looking for his owner. I just kept talking to him.
I couldn't take him that day because he had to be neutered first. I hated leaving him-- it was so hot, but the shelter has a lot of big doors that open (like giant garage doors) and they had huge fans going. He would be fine.
He posed for me so I could get a good picture before I left. "Don't worry! I'll be back!"
I brought him home on Monday after his neuter and dental. I am never sure how a new foster will be with my crew here, but he was completely non-aggressive. He also seems to be house-trained-- YIPPEE!!
And he's happy! He went to find a toy and found one no one else plays with. I have a LOT of toys! This video is dark, but you can see how happy he is: Click here: YouTube - sammy1
Yes, he has gotten all these out-- plus others than squeak and roll.
He is so happy. He follows me around and lays near the desk when I'm working.
I know someone will want this sweet boy in their family! He's weighs about 15-16 pounds and is so nice. If you are interested in him, just email me at or

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


We have had really hot temperatures in Virginia lately. The heat index (temperature and humidity) have been close or over 100 degrees. The Peke above is shocked that we have temperatures this high!

Flat-faced dogs have a lot of trouble with this kind of heat. Janey above has a little more nose than some Pekes, but she still cannot be out in the heat and breathe well.

We sat out at Jeanne's several weeks ago and put a big floor fan to cool off the dogs-- and humans, too! I love Missy's ears!! Talk about "blowing in the wind!"

Inside in an air-conditioned environment is a must for these dogs. They will go into heat related health problems very quickly. Ty-Ty and Scooter are enjoying the tile floor, too-- well Scooter is. Ty-Ty is in one of the ever-present pink beds. If you travel, a covered ice pack is a good idea in the car. Some Pekes are fine, but those with small nose openings (stenotic nares) have more trouble coping with the heat.

Maximus, a new foster dog, had a short walk outside. Then, he went inside and sat on the air conditioner vent. y daughter's Shepherd mix, Pi-Pi, doesn't mind the heat a bit.

Jill doesn't mind it either since her nose/face is not flat. But, she'd still prefer the cool floor inside.

Maximus prefers inside on an air-conditioner vent. One friend said they couldn't figure out why one room was so warm-- then they realized that there was a dog on every vent in the room!

Now here is a solution to the heat for this Bulldog. Just lay on a bed of ice!! This works short-term. INSIDE is better!

Maxwell, one of our California Pekes, has found a cool spot on the bed. Yes, I think he is very comfortable!! Where do your Pekes like to be when it's hot!?"
For more information, click this link: Click here: June Newsletter

Monday, June 28, 2010

Gizmo and Cupcake

HERE'S AN UPDATE FROM THEIR NEW FAMILY: They are fitting in wonderfully. They did great on the ride home. Gizmo sat on the seat next to Nick, and Cupcake sat on the passenger seat where they both got plenty of petting. They have been having fun exploring, playing with the kids, and meeting the neighbors. We got them a large bed that they both fit in, and they love it! They follow us around the house (me especially for some reason) and love hindering my attempts to tie my shoes. We have discovered that Cupcake can jump very high. She managed to easily jump onto our bed this morning, and our bed is pretty high, 3ft. Gizmo, however, puts his paws up and grins at us until we pick him up. They are just the sweetest pair of dogs!
We received an email requesting help for these two adorable Pekes-- Gizmo and Cupcake. The family could no longer care for them. We hear this more and more-- so many people are out of work and just cannot afford food or medical for their dogs. I am so glad when these people contact rescue instead of taking them to a shelter. Don't get me wrong-- shelters provide a valuable service to dogs that are found as strays or whose owners can't take care of them. But, foster homes are so much better, since the dogs don't go into a crate/enclosure, but instead go to a home where they are treated like pets. Gizmo is a beautiful almost-2 year old. Look how well he can sit up-- I think a lot of Pekes must have square bottoms to be able to do this. :-)
Cupcake is a doll-baby. She is so sweet and loves everyone, just like her brother. Cupcake and Gizmo were litter-mates, so have always been together.
They both had surgery for neuter/spay and had really big blue cones on their heads to keep them from licking their stitches. But, since they didn't really try to bother their stitches, we were able to take these off. Some dogs will go after their stitches and these e-collars are critical. If stitches are opened up by licking or chewing, a second surgery can be necessary.
In spite of being in some discomfort, these two were still so sweet and giving kisses.
And smiling!
Gizmo has the biggest tongue-- so he can give giant kisses!
See, there it is.
He has such incredibly beautiful markings!! A new one we just got, Maximus (see a blog soon) has beautiful dark markings, too. It looks like they got low-lights and high-lights! Women would pay big bucks for these color!
Gizmo and Cupcake were adopted to a wonderful family TOGETHER!! We rarely are able to keep pairs together, but it happened this time. We're so glad!
Now, if you want a good chuckle, just watch this! Click here: YouTube - Family dog plays tag with baby.flv

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Murphy in Ohio

This is Murphy in Ohio. I want to state the difference because we have a Murphy in our adopted group and he's just fine. Murphy in Ohio was in a shelter last year and was adopted. He is a little ten pound Peke-- and so cute!
He was returned to the shelter last month in a health crisis. He was walking in circles and the vet said he had some kind of head trauma. The rescue group taking care of him, FurEver Shih-Tzu Rescue in Ohio, spent a lot of money on him. He will always have the head trauma and be affected by it. HOWEVER, he is safe and has been adopted!! A woman met him and said she wanted him to live with her the rest of his life. He will have a wonderful life with her.
If you would like to make any donation to pay for the care he had, you can send it to: Furever Shih Tzu Rescue -- 4205 Fruitland Drive -- Parma, OH-44134-4528. But, don't worry about him-- he has his forever home now!!!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Cocoa--Peke for a Day/Farewell to ChiChi

This is Paige and Dani's ChiChi. ChiChi was a tiny Peke who they rescued about 8 years ago. She was kept outside in the winter, and was starving for warmth and attention. Paige brought her home and they loved her ever since. ChiChi was about 13 years old and had a wonderful life with Paige and Dani. She was a tiny one, under 6 pounds. We are so sorry for the loss of this sweet girl this morning. Rest in peace, sweet ChiChi.

I received an email from a family who could no longer take care of their Pekingese, Maximus, and their Cocker Spaniel, Cocoa. They really loved their dogs, but like many in this time, finances made it difficult to give the dogs the care they needed. We knew we could take the Pekingese, who is pictured here. Look at that face! (There will be a blog on him, too.) Cocoa couldn't come into Pekingese Rescue. As hard as I tried to imagine it, he just wasn't a Peke. But, Jeanne and I knew we had to help this boy from going to a shelter. We got on our computers and we sent out emails! Boy, did we send out emails. Jeanne knows a lot of people in rescue, so she sent out a lot of emails!

And those emails were forwarded to others, and......

We found a rescue group in Richmond that could take him. That's the thing I love about rescue people-- we try no matter what dog it is. If we can't take it, we will keep sending the emails out to find someone who CAN take it. Cocoa was one of those dogs. He was eight years old and we knew he didn't have much chance in a shelter.

So, he came on the transport from Maryland to Richmond. Cocoa and Maximus are both very sweet dogs. They had been with their family and they loved the children in the family. They loved other dogs. And even though we couldn't keep them together, we could save both.

So, he came to Richmond and was ready for rescue. BUT, WAIT!!! There was one more email. It said, "I'm in the Richmond area, and would love to meet Cocoa." WOW. Another person wrote and said how wonderful this family was-- So, she came. And her son came, and her husband and her dog. They all came to meet Cocoa.

And Cocoa would not leave their side. It was as if he picked them! He loved their little boy. He liked their dog, too-- even though the dog might take a bit to really like Cocoa. :-)

Instead of going to rescue, Cocoa went to his new home. He is being cared for and he went to the vet for a check up. He needed medicine for his ears and an infection, but he's on his way to being fully healthy. He's already happy!

Thank you to everyone who played a part in his rescue-- to Kris and Jeanne especially. Without you, it just wouldn't have happened. And to his brand new family-- thank you!!! We know his other family misses him, but you can know he is very loved already. His new family said they are "head over heels in love with him." They said they have not seen more than a few with his wonderful personality.

Here he is with his new dog friend, Chance, and his new boy!

You can't tell me that Cocker doesn't have an inner Peke! I think he does, because Peke Rescue knew they had to help him.

His new owner said, "He is just a sweet pumpkin. We are so thankful to Jeanne and Linda for letting us bring him to our home. As my son said that night when we brought him home, “Let’s keep him forever.” We’ll do just that, for the rest of his life." I LOVE HAPPY ENDINGS!!!

Friday, June 25, 2010


Caleb has stayed in touch with me since he was adopted. He's doing so well in his new home. I think he is becoming a writer!! He sent me another email-- I tell you, these Pekes are amazing!

Hi again! It's me, Caleb. We Pekes love our stuffed crabs in Maryland.

My new friend Fu Shing wouldn't share hers with me, even though I said please. Girl Pekes can be that way.

So Fu went to the store and got a stuffed crab that I can call my own.

What's the best thing about coming to Maryland, Caleb? The stuffed crabs?

The crabs are cool, but being friends with you is the best thing, Fu.

Love, Caleb

I'm so glad you have a best friend, Caleb!!! I miss you, but am so glad you have such a wonderful home.

Love, Linda

Carey says "This is getting very silly all I do is take pics of these two!" How can she help it?? These two are PRECIOUS!

Thursday, June 24, 2010


I'm transporting today-- so if I don't post your comments right away, be patient. I'm picking up Maximus. He's two years old, VERY Sweet and needs to come into rescue. I'll have more information on him soon.
I can't wait to meet him!!
This is Rusty. He lives in Delhi, India. His owner reads the Must Love Pekes blog! WOW. She started writing me and telling me about her Peke. I wrote my Peke friend in Australia and now we have a Peke friend in India! Rusty, above, is beautiful-- this is his puppy picture. Just look at that face! You can see that Peke attitude already coming out. I just want to hug him!
I love the teeth-- such a Peke look. Yes, they do have that underbite!
Here he is with his Llasa Apso brother, Toto. They are both about 13 months old. You can tell they are great friends. I love their bed. Toto is the more "needy" of the two, but Rusty love to do his own thing. It's so funny how two dogs in the same family can be so different. It's the same here with mine!
They love the park-- here they are posing for a picture. Toto doesn't look thrilled to have to sit there, but Rusty is enjoying the attention.
And now he is being the STEALTH Peke. What is he looking for?
I'm not sure, but the flowers are really pretty!
Look at that beautiful boy! I'm so glad we have a Peke friend in India now!! WELCOME!!