Tuesday, November 30, 2010


My niece called to see if she could bring Beesey Bit over to see the dogs. She wanted to know how she'd react-- which dog could she see?
I told her Starlight! She was surprised because Starlight isn't great with adults-- she was abused in the past. But, Starlight LOVES children and is so gentle with them! So Beesey Bit and Starlight got to meet. Beesey Bit even grapped Starlight's tail and she was just fine.
Then, off to the family room to see the rest. My gang of Pekes is really very good with the kids-- my four grandkids are here a lot. Of course, I'm always CAREFUL. But, my Pekes are really gentle.
Beesey Bit was enthralled with Max sitting up-- "he's THIS big, Mommy."
And then Max and Scooter-- the "twins" -- came to see her. She loves it and had the sweetest grin on her face. I love Beesey Bit!!!

Monday, November 29, 2010


Cosmo was my first foster dog-- I had him in 2003. I think that's when it was.
He was adopted and now lives in Maryland-- he has a new "granddaughter"-- his mom's granddaughter. Cosmo isn't too sure about this-- it's a little person!
Winston is just vegging. He was their Peke when they added Cosmo to their family. Maybe he is having "sugar plum" dreams.
And here's Cosmo-- his mom said he is "anxiously awaiting Miss Linda's morning blog........" I love it! Love you, too, Cosmo! Can't wait to see Christmas pictures!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Christmas in Australia

Melinda, in Austrlia, is getting out her Christmas things. Kenzo does not appear to be thrilled at all. "What is all this stuff??"
Oh, look at their hair-- Kenzo and Moi Moi are in red and green, all ready to begin decorating!
"Let's just lay ON the tinsel. It looks good on the couch."
Melinda's grandson is all ready for Christmas!! No snow there, though.
Kenzo got right royally Sick of it ALL and took off from the couch with the tinsel flying !!! Melinda ran out and got the shot of him running around and around the backyard with the tinsel behind him. She said it was really funny!
She said that Moi, being a Peke , thought it was all STUPID! MoiMoi is such a lady-- she just wants to enjoy Christmas!

Saturday, November 27, 2010


Shamisen's mom just sent me this picture to add to the blog-- he's so funny! (This one definitely is NOT a Christmas ornament!)
A friend sent me this picture-- I thought it was really cute and fit Thanksgiving week. Enjoy!

Yoshi (black Peke) and Shamisen are trying to entertain themselves. They were camping and both wanted the stick. I really think that since Thanksgiving is over, they are bored and they know Christmas is coming soon.

It's not here yet, though, and they must come up with ways to pass the time until Santa shows up.

Shamisen has been a very good dog! I'm sure there will be a lot in his stocking.

Oh, Yoshi is telling us he's been good, too. You are both just too cute-- I believe you have been good. Does your mom?

Oh, you're showing me your ball. That almost looks like a Christmas ornament. Is it? Of course not, a good dog would not have a Christmas ornament!

Look at that face-- I know Santa will bring you things. Don't worry! He knows who has been naughty and nice-- and I'm sure you are in the "nice" category!!

Friday, November 26, 2010


Blind dogs are just as lovable as those without sight. Leo and Keller are two of them. Leo, above, was born with limited to no vision. One eye had to be removed. But, it never affected his cheerful and loving spirit! He has never snapped or bitten besides a play nibble here and there. He also loves attention and loves when his foster mom gets down on his level to "wrestle" and hug him. He gets along with everyone. He also loves a good belly rub. :-)
Leo is moving to his forever home in a few weeks!! I know he will be so excited. He will have a new Pekingese sister who is also blind. I'm sure they'll be best friends.
Keller came into rescue last summer. He is blind because he wasn't taken care of-- he has to have his eye removed, but it doesn't seem to bother him a bit.
He loves big dogs and small dogs! Keller is still doing fabulous! His foster mom found a poem about a blind rescue. She said it reminds her of little Keller, and made her heart melt. When I read it, it did the same for me.
About a blind rescue...
"I cannot see you Mommy, when you cuddle me so near.
And yet I know you love me, it's in the words I hear.
I cannot see you Daddy, when you hold me by your side.
But still I know you love me when you tell me so with pride.
I cannot see to run and play out in the sun so bright.
For here inside my tiny head it's always dark as night.
I cannot see the treats you give when I am extra good.
But I can wag my tail in Thanks just like a good dog should.
"She cannot see. The dog's no good" is what some folks might say.
"She can't be trained, she'll never learn. She must be put away.
"But not you, Mom and Daddy. You know that it's alright.
Because I love you just as much as any dog with sight.
You took me in, you gave me love and we will never part.
Because I'm blind with just my eyes, I see you in my heart."
No matter whether an animal is blind, deaf, handicapped, or perfectly healthy, everyone needs help, love, and a home. Thank you to all who foster and adopt these special dogs.

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Melinda, I know you don't have Thanksgiving in Australia. But, today is THANKSGIVING here. And there are so many things I am thankful for. First, I'm thankful for my family and all my grandchildren! You can see Drill Bit in the picture was NOT about to be happy with Santa! (This picture is a hint to all of you to send me Christmas Peke pictures!! I'll be doing all you send for the December blogs!)
I'm thankful for the foster moms/dads that help with the Pekes we have. This is Kim above on the left. She is great with our fosters that she has helped.
Jeanne-- what would I do without you!! Jeanne is now co-director with me in rescue. She has raised so much money for rescue with her ideas. She is here with DiDi, a foster that she fell in love with-- and who stayed. Jeanne has such compassion for the dogs in her care. You are amazing.
Paige is another foster mom-- here are two she fostered.
I'm thankful for ADOPTED dogs!! Here are Paddington and Amelia.
I'm thankful for Beach Bit, my newest grandchild. Yes, he's a Georgia Bulldog fan!
I'm thankful for vets and specialists who care for our foster dogs. This is Melissa, who works in the opthalmologist's office. She fell in love with Coco. Who wouldn't?!
I'm thankful for a husband who is very tolerant and supportive of my "hobby" of helping Pekingese. Thanks, sugar!
I'm thankful for grandkids and Pekes who snuggle on my lap (Beach Bit and Coco).
Bitty Bit says Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving to all of you!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


It seems in rescue, we are dealing with a lot of eye issues. Coco Puff, above, had her second eye surgery last week. She is the sweetest thing and so affectionate. She is doing so well with her eyes and she doesn't mind me putting her eye drops in.
Wicket, who had his eye removed, due to a tumor, glaucoma and retinal atropy, is doing great, too. He had his stitches removed today!! YEA!
Colby, our four month old puppy foster, had his eye surgery last week. He had to have a second "minor" surgery since he popped one of his stitches, but he is doing well and playing with his toys.
I know it looks bad, but these Pekingese have a resilience I don't see in most people. They don't think, "oh, my life was so good, I used to see so well." They just take each day as it comes, see what they can do, and go from there. He is trying to play and not "fretting" about his eye surgery.
And pretty soon, he will have his stitches out and be free of the e-collar (I would hate having one of those around my neck!) and be free to play and not be in the playpen! And Colby has a home waiting for him for Christmas!! I'm so excited for him!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I told you before that we have items on ebay to raise money for Pekes who need our help. Here are some listings we have on now-- check them out. There may be something that you'd like to have! http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dllViewItem&item=130457875316&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IThttp://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=130457888597&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=130457888597&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT FIESTA FIESTAWARE COBALT 67oz LARGE 7" DISC PITCHER NR!

Another shelter, another request, another Peke. Peppie was in a shelter in S.W. Virginia-- near where we got the Bristol 18 from. He is so cute-- I couldn't believe no one adopted him. Some areas just don't have a lot of people who want small dogs.
People that we knew through the Bristol 18 helpers stepped up to transport for us again! THANK YOU Anita and Rita and Theresa! Theresa is fostering Peppie in Richmond.
We thought Peppie sounded like a Chihuahua name, so we thought about changing it-- but he knows that name. And he is kind of peppy! So, it fits. When he is adopted, his new family might change it, but for now, he is still Peppie.
Peppie is about 3-5 years old, so a young one. Remember, Pekingese can live to about 15 years old. So, Peppie is a youngster! He is a handsome and sweet boy, too. Don't you agree!
Peppies loves to cuddle and will be your shadow following you from room to room. He loves to give kisses and just cuddle. He is housetrained and has a soft, beautiful coat. His big brown eyes will melt your heart! If you are interested in Peppie, just email us at potomacpekes@gmail.com.

Monday, November 22, 2010


We are trying to sell some things on our facebook page (Potomac Valley Pekingese Rescue) to raise money for our Pekes. One of them is a great wooden playpen! I have three for sale-- I have three of my own. I use them for my grandchildren and for dogs! They are great!! You can put soft mesh woven through the "bars" to keep dogs in or dogs out-- whichever you prefer!! Click here: Kettler Baby Play Pens "NEW"
They normally sell for $400 new. I am trying to sell them for only $100! The ones for sell will collapse down to an almost flat position. Just click on the link above to see about them. Or you can email me at haveninhim@aol.com. They are currently at Jeanne's house in Richmond. (The bottom can change positions from middle to the bottom. It's very handy!)


This is Scrappy Jack. He's not a Peke-- I'm sure you guessed that! He was rescued by Karen in Kentucky. You see, when Scrappy Jack was four weeks old, his puppy mill owner looked at him, and his eyes were bad. So, she removed him from him mom and discarded him in the barn. He didn't die, so she took him to a high kill shelter. This is what happens with puppy mills-- there is no compassion. They are in it for money alone.
Here is another photo of Scrappy…one of his mom's favorite pictures. He has an ulcer on the eye that is left, but he sees well. He’s her joy!!HOWEVER, Scrappy Jack was rescued!!! He was in intensive care for four days-- remember he was still under 5 weeks old. His remaining eye isn't great, but he still sees well enough to get around. He is a Momma's boy for sure and she can even use words to say how much she loves him.

Remember, just because a dog has an eye problem doesn't mean they are a wonderful pet or that they aren't worth saving or adopting. Scrappy Jack is proof of that!