Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Click here: CuteWinFail: Static Dog - YouTube This is so funny that I wanted to share it. I haven't tried this on my dogs.


Carter has come a long way since he was rescued from the back yard breeder when he was five weeks old. He loves to play and he is a healthy, sweet Peke. And handsome, too!

Sassy Marie has come a long way, too. She came in as a dog who had a severe neck injury and because of the donations that came in for her, she is doing great!

Sassy and Carter are great friends and now that she doesn't have to be in the playpen all the time she loves to play.

Carter loves to play, too, so watching them is pure joy.

Sassy is smaller than Carter, but that doesn't get in her way. (Wait until you see Carter's playmate on tomorrow's blog!)

Carter is very gentle, even though he sometimes gets the upper-hand-- or should I say, the upper paw.
They are both at Jeanne's house-- Carter has been adopted by her. Her house is a wonderful place for Pekes to be-- and other dogs and humans, too!! I love to visit!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


It's that time of year. You decorate your homes and red is all over, making things merry. Right Cranberry? You look merry. I'm sure it's in there.

Max is a happy dog. He loves Christmas. He thinks trees inside are wonderful. I put an xpen around my tree to keep the dogs from using it as an inside spot to go to the bathroom. (Why do they think that is okay??)

Starlight is ready for gifts to come. She knows her Daddy will get her something.

Drill Bit says, "Come on everyone. Send us pictures of your dogs all ready for Christmas." Do you like his antler hat? I know Desi will send Christmas pictures. She's our Peke model who lives near Roanoke, VA. I know there are others out there who take special Christmas pictures, so please share them.

Max is my foster dog. He looks sad in this picture, but he is one happy boy. He loves his toys, and is just tolerating being away from them for the moment it takes to get his picture.

Zeke is going to spend Christmas in his forever home this year!

Wilson is still looking for his home. He looks older, but it's just his coloring. He's not an old boy-- he is so sweet and would love to have a forever home. Are you the one?

Please send pictures to me at I want to share them. :-)

Monday, November 28, 2011


Please pray for Essie today. She has adopted Meggie Mei and Bernie from us and has helped us in rescue. She is having major surgery today and needs prayers for full recovery, wisdom and skill for the doctors. Please lift her up.


We have a lot of dogs in foster care right now and if people could just meet them, they'd see how sweet they are. It's hard from a picture or a bio what the personality is like- it's something that is so much better in person.

Dinah is about ten (maybe a little less). Her family gave her up after having her since she was a puppy. They had a baby and Dinah was no longer the baby. It's possible to have a dog and a baby-- you just have to be careful. Baby gates are wonderful-- that's what I use in my home when Beach Bit is here.

She loves to totally relax in Mike's lap-- he's her foster dad.

If she gets much more relaxed, she'll fall OUT of his lap.

She's a pretty girl who just wants a home to live the rest of her life. If you are interested, please email

Sunday, November 27, 2011


I haven't done a pink bed blog in a while, so here's a short one. ;-)

Starlight is a spoiled, smart Peke. She sleeps in a private room, otherwise known as the laundry room. She won't sleep in our room. She wants her own space.

She has a pink bed with a pillow to raise her head and it's next to the air vent that keeps her warm in the winter and cold in the summer. The next thing is for her to call for her servant (Daddy) to carry her out to the gardens so that she can enjoy the outdoors.

Parker is in a pink bed at my house-- he's being fostered in Virginia Beach and just wants a family who will let him cuddle all the time. He's a sweet boy!

Odin has taken over a pink bed. Boys don't care if it's pink-- they are just looking for comfort. What you can't see is all the toys under Odin. He keeps adding more and then I gather them up and put them back in the toy area. That last a day!

And last, here is Meggie Mei, Essie's sweet girl. She is on her own idea of a pink bed. Looks comfortable to me!

Saturday, November 26, 2011


This little girl was turned into a shelter-- they contacted us for help. But, we need a foster home for her. She is four years old, and needs help.

If you are interested in fostering with our group, please email


Camp Runamuck is in session-- not for the grandbits, but for the dogs! My house has been full of dogs for a week. I have my four, two fosters, and my daughter's three dogs came to visit for over ten days. For the most part, they all get along. Above, Scooterbug, Odin and Kai Kai head out down the Pekingese Pathway.

Sweetie Pi (Pi Pi) was standing on it, so Scooter walked right under her.
She's the only non-Peke here.

Lottie Moon is the Mama dog-- she's eleven now and everyone listens to her, even my bossy Cranberry!

Cranberry even backed up when Sweetie Pi fussed at her when she was too close to the food. Wow, Cranberry was afraid-- never happens!

Odin, Wicket (my daughter's 12 year old Peke) and Scooter on the Pathway.

Wicket lost one of his eyes last year due to a tumor. He's one of three here missing the right eye. He's almost 13, so his hearing is going and his one eye doesn't work quite as well as it used to. But, this is one sweet boy and I love it when he comes to visit.

Odin loves all the company-- as long as he has his toy and his bed, he's a happy camper! You can see a bit of the toy he carried outside.

Odin also thinks Lottie is quite beautiful.

Max went up to the deck and peeked at me through the slats. He's a foster who no one adopted-- I don't know why. He's a great dog and knows how to sit up. He's been here several years now-- he's eight years old and loves to be on the ottoman looking out. He's my boy now.

Starlight (with Wicket and Kai Kai) just puts up with it all. As long as she has her daddy on the couch at night, she is fine. I'm amazed with how well they have all done with such a crowd! Did you count them all? At Camp Runamuck for Dogs, we have NINE right now. Dinner time is busy, with different foods, eye drops, ear drops and pills. By the time we have about 5 totally chaotic minutes, it's done though. Don't you wish you were here! :-)

Friday, November 25, 2011


Marco came into rescue a few years ago-- but to look at this picture, you wouldn't believe the difference.

He was matted and filthy and his collar was embedded in his neck. Now Marco Polo is sunshine and fireworks in a black fur coat. His smile lights up the entire house. He has matured into a gorgeous young male. The dramatic difference between Marco now and Marco then is staggering.

Despite all of the heartbreak and strife and pain and hunger and cold and wet he had to endure as a stray on the streets, it took less than 3 days for him to become good friends with Charlie and feel totally comfortable with his new family and "pack." His mom wrote, "Benjamin Franklin wrote, 'Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.' I disagree. Pekes are proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." Marco's nickname is Sweet Sweet, which reflects his personality.

He now lives with Charlie, a Peke they got from Louise Harden (our group's founder). Charlie is older now-- he will be 12 in December.

Last to join the family was Zsa Zsa. She was listed as a Peke, but if more of a Tibetan Spaniel. She was adopted last year and is a gem. (The Tibetans and Pekes share a genetic heritage, as Buddhist monks in Tibet and Buddhist monks in China exchanged puppies as gifts -- this was before the Peke became the sole province of the imperial family.)
She is very femine and takes her treats very gently.

This is one happy dog family and I'm so glad they have these special dogs to enrich their lives. It makes our "job" as foster parents worth everything we do!


I just received this note from Marco's new family: "As you know, 12/1 is the second anniversary of Marco Polo joining our family. and it's been such a wonderful 2 years. I made his annual check-up appointment today, and the assistant at our vet's office said, "Oh, I work that day [the day of the appointment]. That's wonderful. I love Pekes, they are always so happy!"Now, when we look at the "before" shot of Marco Polo, that was not a happy boy. How could he be? But he had the seeds of happiness in him. I recall about 12 years ago or so, I found a Peke website, and I think it was from Australia. It read, "The most important thing in a Peke's life is showing his humans how much he loves them. The second most important thing in a Peke's life is showing his fellow Pekes how much he loves them, too." And that's what was missing from Marco Polo's life: humans and another Peke to love. In the mix, he got an Ocicat, our Milo, a total foundling who adopted US, and then this March 13, he got a Tibbie sister, Zsa Zsa. While Charlie and Marco Polo play 'bark at me" and "rolling on their backs and flailing their paws at each other" games, and "let's see who can kill the toys the fastest", Marco Polo and Zsa Zsa love to race in big circles around their yard, and do their imitation of World Wrestling Federation. The play bowing is SO dramatic, and they both have huge plume tails that wag like prayer flags in the Himalayan winds, and then ka-POW! Sometimes it sounds like two elephants are wrestling down the hall." I love it!

Thursday, November 24, 2011


I received an email from Desi, and she had her photo shoot for the fall. Here's what she wrote:

"One of my friends at work made this special bow for me and I let her take my picture for free."

She is also sharing her home with Latte, a cute foster dog. He likes to chew his leash and be a little bossy, but he just needs some training. He loves to play and just wants his own home.

He's very pretty-- I know Desi doesn't mind sharing her home with him-- for a while!

"Miss Linda,
Here are the proofs from my latest photo shoot. I can not wait for Thanksgiving. I am sure no one can resist giving me some turkey in my cute pilgrim dress. Wanda thinks she is cute too in her very own turkey dress." (above)

And which one is this? Desi or Wanda? Sure is cute.

"Even Dollar has a thanksgiving tie but mom took so many pictures of me that her camera battery died before Dollar got his turn! Our house was very full this week. Eleven dogs here with all of the fosters."

"I try to be a good hostess but sometimes I get tired of sharing my mom so after my shoot I sacked out in my Diva bed for a while. Mom also took pictures of Shrek, Latte and Pierre and she will send them soon.
Have a Happy Turkey Day!

Love and kisses,


Wednesday, November 23, 2011


We don't often receive thanks for what we do-- so when we do, we're very excited! A shelter sent us an email to thank us for saving Elvis, that sweet boy with a huge 'mass' in his stomach. (It turned out to be grass, sticks, and other things he was trying to survive on.) He is adopted and doing GREAT. I hope to receive pictures so that I can do a blog on him with his new family.

Here is the note we received. Remember, without all OUR supporters, we couldn't do what we do-- so thank you to all of you! Have a blessed Thanksgiving!


To All Our WONDERFUL Rescues and Volunteers,

As Thanksgiving Day approaches, we (Bobbi, Geri and Kate) are giving thanks for YOU. We are so thankful to have each and every one of you working alongside us to help save the animals at MCHS. We are thankful for the time you take to read our emails, answer our phone calls, and visit with our animals. We are thankful for the time you spend screening foster homes, transporting animals, and providing medical care. Most of all, we are thankful for ALL the time, energy, and effort you put into helping our animals find their perfect forever home.

We hope this holiday will not pass without your taking some time out for yourselves and your loved ones. You deserve it!

With gratitude,
Bobbi, Geri and Kate
Montgomery County Humane Society, Maryland


Check out Abbigail (formerly Amy) and Bridgett, her sister, in this article. It warms my heart to see our adopted dogs doing so well!!