Monday, April 30, 2012


I know you think you'll see pictures of the Peke Picnic-- and you will! But, I just got home last night-- we stayed overnight at our daughters, saw three of the "grand-bits" and then went to Richmond and saw Jeanne (our club president) and we just got home last night. I will do picnic blogs-- don't worry. But, for today, I wanted you to see pictures of Drake! He doesn't know his name, so his new mom will probably change it. She just has to see what name fits him just right! Look at him. He is there and already settling in. And he and one of the resident Pekes, Caleb, are already resting together. Caleb was one of my fosters and I adore him! So, now he'll have a new friend in Drake. Stay posted, I know there will be more pictures coming! Drake's new mom helped us so much at the picnic, and I want to thank her also. We have a GREAT Peke group!!!

Sunday, April 29, 2012


Millie had her eye surgery and she has healed really well. She is adjusting to having just one eye. Pekes are amazing. They don't mourn the loss of something, they just move on with their life and live. We could learn from them.She has been adopted by her foster mom and dad and she's there to stay-- to be loved and spoiled the rest of her life.And that's just how she wants it. I'm sure we'll get more pictures of her later, but she's doing great!

Saturday, April 28, 2012


Miss Linda, Hi! It's me, Desi. I am so excited about coming to the "PEKENIC" today. I tried on my pink velvet gown with sparkles, but mom said that was too fancy for a Pekenic.I have had my hair and nails done. I'm trying to decide which outfit to wear.You see, I have never been to a Pekenic before and I am not sure how formal an affair this is.First, I tried on my green polka dog sun dress, but it seemed too casual (even though it does have a flower). Then, I modeled my red gingham with a matching sun visor, but I do not really like hats.I love being in front of a mirror!I tried on my blue daisy frock, but it was just not diva enough. None of these outfits seem perfect enough for a diva dog like me to make my Pekenic debut, so my mom will just have to take me shopping. My dress will be a surprise!Wanda is coming, too, but she hasn't even started to plan her wardrobe yet. She is such an amateur. Bear is also coming, but he is going to be naked! I am so embarrassed to admit he is my foster brother! See you at the Pekenic!
Love, Desi

Friday, April 27, 2012


I had to post some pictures of my fosters, Harper (above) and Chaumey. I showed you beautiful Desi getting ready for the picnic and my two were getting ready, too! They both had baths and were blown dry. Harper was first. Then, it was Chaumey's turn. Chaumey was so good-- they both were! (You can see some of Beach Bit's play things in the background.)Harper wanted to know what was going on with Chaumey. They have become great friends here.Chaumey's all done and playing with a favorite toy. He's ready for the picnic!!


Tell me which dog has changed YOUR life. I have had many. Each one is special and loved.


Desi, our Pekingese model, is coming to the picnic tomorrow. We have a lot of people signed up and we are going to have so much fun. We'll have the picnic, rain or shine. Desi has been doing her best to be beautiful for the Pekenic. It's not hard-- she is so beautiful anyway! She sent me an email...Miss Linda, This is me getting my hair done for the "pekenic." I really did not want mom to send thee because I do not think my fans should see me until my hair is perfect, but, mom insists the pictures are cute.It is hard work being beautiful, but I am very good at it.You can probably tell I was not very happy about these pictures. I even gave mom my best pleading start-- but she took pictures anyway!I cannot wait for the Pekenic. Please do not embarrass me by posting these pictures.
Love, Desi (Sorry, Desi-- I had to post them!! We'll all see you tomorrow!!)


Shiner is a Papillon that our vet in Roanoke took out of a shelter. A rescue group said they would take him, but they didn't. So, Shiner stayed and our group has worked to find him a home. He's playing with Dollar here.These two dogs have some energy!It's rough and tumble and chase and .....super play!!! Shiner is off to get Dollar-- they must be going pretty fast for Dollar's ears to be back like they are.And Shiner has the prize. Is this what it was all about? Sounds logical to me.Shiner is about a year old and he has a lot of energy-- can you share it with me?Once he's in his forever home, he'll have lots of time to run and play with his new parents. We're just waiting for that home for him.Shiner is a beautiful Papillon-- so much prettier than when he came from the shelter thanks to the wonderful care by his foster parents. For now, though, he'll run and play where he is. He has lots of good friends there.And this foster home is a wonderful place to be.Thanks to Roger and Lucinda for all they do for these dogs lucky enough to be with them while they are waiting for their forever homes.I know they'll miss you when you go to a forever home Shiner-- and so will Dollar!

Thursday, April 26, 2012


Today is Dakoda's tenth birthday. She is part of Leighann's family. Happy Birthday!!


Beach Bit got a new house. It's on the deck and was equipped with a mail box and a doorbell.Chaumey decided he would check it out. What is this?Come on in dogs.Harper is checking it out and Scooter is inside.Chaumey is on a stand on the outside and he can check it out easily, while Harper is checking out what Beach Bit is having to drink. Scooter is exiting the house-- he's seen all there is to see.Harper is fascinated with it.And now he's inside. Can you share your drink, Beach Bit?Let's all go outside. I need to lock it up for the day.Chaumey sits on the little chair-- perfect for Pekes and toddlers alike. Check out the videos below-- they're not of the house, but they'll make you smile anyway.