Sunday, September 30, 2012


 This is Pesha.   Her owner died suddenly in June and she went to live with family members.  They have young children and Pesha would do better in a quieter home.   She would love a new home with less chaos than small children provide.  (I know about this since Beach Bit is here so much-- I have to give my dogs their own space at times to give them "safe quiet" zones.)
Pesha is nine years old (this month) and a big girl-- she could use a little diet.    She is spayed, up to date on shots, and housetrained.   We need a foster or adoptive home for her.  She was used to being a very special girl to her owner, bows in her hair and pampered.    She is too nice to be taken to a shelter, but honestly, we have no place to put her.   She does well with other dogs and needs helps soon.   If you can help, please email me at or   


Chaumey, now Tommy, lives in Maryland now.    He was one of my really sweet foster dogs.    In his new home, he has let them know he loves milk.   He must have found a cereal bowl. :-)    They asked if milk was okay for dogs.  So, I asked our Roanoke vet, Dr. Hodges.    She told me that many adult dogs will get diarrhea if they drink milk since they lose the enzymes necessary to digest it after puppyhood.    (Many people lose these, too, after childhood-- I'm one of them!)     So, to be safe, no milk products for your dogs.


 Tinkerbell came from the same shelter as Madge,    In the picture I was sent, she looked like a Peke-- but in person, she's a tiny mix.
 All 7 pounds of her!     She could put on a little weight, but won't be bigger than 8-9 pounds.   She is about 4-5 years old and full of joy.
 She is probably Pekingese and Chihuahua--a Chekingese-- which Dr. Hodges says is her favorite "designer dog."  :-)   She gets along with the other dogs and the cat, too.  
 She has been spayed and had a dental.   She is in good health and will soon be ready for a new home.     We can't imagine how she ended up in a shelter.
She does love to beg-- and she's so cute, it will be hard to resist!

Saturday, September 29, 2012


Leo, the blind puppy we got in 2010, now lives in New England.    His name is now Choku and he's a wonderful, loved boy.     He got into some raisins the other day-- quite a few raisins!    His mom rushed him to the emergency vet who began treatment for raisin toxicity.    Raisins can be extremely dangerous for dogs to eat and small dogs like Pekes are especially prone to serious problems.    His mom, Jane, said that a dog can go into acute kidney failure at any  point in the 2-3 days after eating raisins and sometimes a little longer.   Even a few raisins can do this.     The vet made him drink a charcoal mixture to make him throw up and then flushed out the kidneys and monitored the kidney function.    He was in the vet a few days and it cost quite a bit.   She said the moral of the story is not to leave any raisins where a dog can get them.    I've passed this on to my daughter, whose son, Beach Bit, is now into those little boxes of raisins.   He won't get them here since he likes to "share his treats" and I don't want any problems.    Thanks for sharing this, Jane!


 Gizzy came to us after being abandoned in his back yard when his owners moved.  I can't even fathom what kind of person does that.   Here's the blog I did on him.   Click here: Must Love Pekes: GIZZY UPDATE
Gizzy has an adoption pending and his new mom-to-be adores him!    She says his chocolate brown eyes and cute smile are so appealing.    I'm so glad he is going to have a forever home!


 We received Madge from the same shelter as Gracious and Andy.   It's a gassing shelter and the one where the pens are cleaned while the dogs are in them-- hosed down.    
 Madge had been put in the drop-off box during the night, so there is no history on her.  But, she wasn't cared for.   We could tell that.   She was missing so much hair because of a severe skin condition.     She had ear infections, poor hearing, bad teeth, and is very thin at ten pounds.    (A pound or two can make a huge difference.)    She is also heartworm positive.  She has already begun the antibiotic regimen of her treatment.
She is with our wonderful vet and foster parents, Lucinda and Roger, in Roanoke.    She'll have the best care possible there.   She just wants to be loved, have a lap to sit on and a good home.      For now, she is being cared for and has a big fluffy soft bed and plenty to eat.   
Lucinda and Roger have 13 at their house right now-- their own and fosters.    Here is the kitchen counter at meal time!    Pills, canned food, dry food, all different types depending on the dog.    Gee, makes my life seem simple!     Thank you to these two wonderful people for all they do for the dogs in their care.   They are amazing and Madge is so lucky to have them caring for her.

Friday, September 28, 2012


 Dr. Jones, Ch. Pines Indiana Jones of Jonte; CGC, TDI, belonged to John and Terry Jackson.
 He was a Peke of their hearts--
 As a puppy, you could already see how stunning he would be--just look at his tail.
 He loves to give his daddy kisses....
 and pose for pictures.
 He was a very beautiful boy.     Dr. Jones had a gift of helping people who didn't feel well.   He was a therapy dog who has the gift of helping people.    I remember the story John told me about Dr. Jones visiting in one of the  hospitals he went to.     A man, who had little hope, was asked if Dr. Jones could come see him.     He said, "What's one more doctor?"   And in walked this little Pekingese named Dr. Jones.     He got on the man's bed with him, put his feet on his chest and kisses him on the face.    It was the first time the man let his guard down and a tear slipped down his face.    Dr. Jones had broken through a barrier that people couldn't.     It's just one of the stories I know about Dr. Jones and he was a wonderful little boy.
You are dearly  missed, sweet boy.  Rest in peace now.


 So many have responded to our need for help with Dublin's surgery.  THANK YOU!!!  Here he is now.
He gets to go outside for short potty breaks and he decided to rest out there with Phoebe, his foster sister.      
 I think the tongue out is part of his face-- or maybe it's his meds. :-)
 A profile shot of him.  What a handsome boy!
 Dublin was in a mesh playpen, but he decided to break out by chewing a hole in it.   At least you can say he's got some spirit.   Now, he's in one he can't chew out of.      (SORRY to his foster mom for the playpen!)  Thank you to Caryn who has loaned everything to him for recovery.
He will see his vet next week to get his stitches out and to evaluate how he's doing.   This is a sweet boy and I'm so glad we could help him.    THANK YOU again to all who donated and prayed for him.

Thursday, September 27, 2012


Click here: Brow-wow! Chinese owner tattoos eye make up onto her pet pekinese | Mail Online

Tell me I'm not alone in thinking this is one stupid owner!     How can you put a dog through tattooing?    It can be painful and itchy afterwards.     What are they thinking?


 Maddy gets an  allowance.   FIVE DOLLAR A WEEK!!   So, he saved his money and sent some in for us to use for the Pekingese.  Of course, he had to take out movies, snacks, comic books first.    Here is what he said, "Hello Linda, It's Maddy!   I wanted to write you and tell U I am fine.  I bark at strangers and chase these things--- (picture of a rabbit!-- good picture, Maddy!).   Daddy called them R-bits?   I don't want them in my yard!!
 My job it to check the yard every morning for r-bits and PATROL the entire neighborhood with Mommy and Daddy at night.   A big job!    Gotta go..... had to bark at the door!!      I love my new home and family.   They needed me so BADLY.   I rescued THEM!   From Boardedum.  (I love your spelling, Maddy!)   Thank you for all you and Auntie Jeanne did.   Here is my allowance to help other needy Pekes!
I told Maddy's Dad that Pekingese needed a place to live our their lives-- but his Daddy said, "Pekingese need a place to enrich OUR lives."   I couldn't agree more.
Maddy, you sure were adopted into a wonderful family!   And Maddy wants all Pekes to get an allowance!!   (Don't tell mine!)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


 Misty was my foster dog in early 2007.   I had been called to a shelter to pick up a Pekingese who was "testy."    I got there and saw she was part Peke, but I couldn't leave her.     They had deemed her "unadoptable" and she would have been put down.
 She was in the quarantine room and I went in there.    They said she would attack me-- but I knelt down and said "open her kennel."   They did, and she did attack me-- with KISSES!!   She knew I was there to save her.  Her tail was wagging so hard.
I just found out that Misty died last week.   This has been such a bad week for losing dogs and I was so sad to find out Misty had died also.     She had a happy life with her family and is now free!   Rest in peace, sweet girl. 


This stray kitten, 2 inches long when found, was nursed back to health by Mittens, a four year old Pekingese.    Read this amazing story.    Click here: The wonder of mother nature: A dog acts on her maternal instincts and nurses a stray kitten as if it was her own p


 Crosby came into rescue after a rough beginning.    We don't know what happened to him, but it made him  not trust all people, thinking they would hurt him.     He loves his foster mom and dad, loves to walk on a leash.    
He gets along great with his two foster brothers and is always ready for a belly rub and ear scratch.    He foster mom says he is the color of a fine champagne with a beautiful fur coat and tail.   He thinks newspapers and magazines are toys, but he's young (about 2 to 3 years old).   
Crosby needs an owner who is familiar with the breed and able to work with him to trust new people.    With the family, though, he is a dollbaby.   He will not be adopted to a home with children.   

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Our foster moms, Laurie and Lyn, lost their sweet Corgi, Deva last Friday.   She is pictured here with Mick, one of their Pekes adopted from us.    Deva had been losing connections with her back legs for several months, and then got really sick last week.     They had to let her go on Friday.    She was a dear dog who is missed by her friend, Dash, the cat.    Deva was known to clean up after Mick, who always left pieces of food outside his bowl.   Maybe he knew Deva liked extra bits.   Now Mick is cleaning up after Chip, their foster Peke.  He has taken on Deva's role.  I know Deva is missed a lot by the whole family.    Rest in peace, sweet girl.    


Pudge  is an incredible boy.      He was rescued from a Maryland shelter and has fit right into his foster home.   e as he sits patiently at the garage door as he knows it is
time to go to work..He has been coming with me for the past 4-5 days. He knows
the Fedex man, UPS and most of the people in the building, he has been really
friendly to all and he is coming around with my dogs. He gets along with the
dogs in my office building (everyone brings their dogs to work in Annapolis
 He is awesome in the car and knows the schedule as he sits patiently at the garage door to go to work with his foster mom.    He is very comical at the office and the staff there expect to see him daily.
 His foster mom says he is a delight to have around and anyone who wants a sweet laidback dog would love him!  
 He never barks unless he is hungry or wants to go for a walk.   He WILL let you know.   He LOVES his walks!   He can meet new people and he welcomes everyone, people and dogs alike. 
 He is patient, but he might not like young dogs who want to pounce on him.  After all, he is a stately gentleman.    (I don't like being pounced on either, Pudge!)
He is a pretty terrific boy!

Monday, September 24, 2012


 Lacey Nicole came into rescue this month.   She was turned in for behavior issues.   She is a tiny thing at only 10 pounds.  She will be two years old in November.   
 Clarence is her foster brother and they play so well together!   Clarence is an incredible "big brother" to the foster dogs who come there.
Lacey does so well with other dogs, not aggressive at all.       
 When I got her and took her to the vet, she was a little unsure.
 But, at my house, she did fine.    She doesn't like to be picked up, unless it's on her terms.    She will growl at you, but then continues on.
She was in the kitchen, and my grandson, Beach Bit, was here.    I was so surprised because Lacey loves him!!!    And at the vet, when she saw children, she kept trying to get to them, her tail wagging.    Amazing. 
 She really wanted to share Beach Bit's popsickle.    Scooterbug wanted some, too.
 When Beach Bit was reading my Scotland magazine (I love this magazine!), Lacey got up there, too--- she can spring onto the couch with no trouble, even though she is so small.
 She even told Beach Bit a secret-- maybe she wanted him to read out loud to her.
That must have been it-- she is listening with great interest.
Lacey needs a special owner who knows she has little squirks and ways.   But, she is so worth it.    She is housetrained and might be just the right fit.   She does need like a yard, but she has learned to walk with a  harness/leash.  She realized if she didn't walk with a leash, she got left behind and Clarence was having so much fun!!  Just let us know if you're interested in this small one.   Here she are four videos of her playing:    Click here: Yoga dogs - YouTube
Click here: Lacey II - YouTube