Monday, December 31, 2012


This sweet boy, Wicket, was my granddog, so losing him touched me more than all the rest.    He was a special part of my family and was a sweet, loving Peke.    He was one of those who fought cancer this year.    He hung on there for quite a while, but lost his battle in September on the same day that Shark died.    We  miss you Wicket-- we will always remember you.   You remain in our hearts.
Shark was adopted from PVPC three years ago.   We thought he had so much longer to be with his family.   He was an incredibly sweet boy who adored "his boys" and family.   He was the perfect little Peke.   Rest in peace, sweet one.
Sweet Lafite lost his battle with cancer in September.     He was such a beautiful and loving boy who picked out his mom with a paw on her knee.   You are so missed, sweet boy.
Jubilee came into rescue as a terrified little Peke. The vet did not think she could overcome her fear of people. With great sadness, we let her go and hope that she now has peace and no fear. I'm so sorry little one.Paddington Bear came into rescue in 2006 and lived a wonderful life with Bill and Fiona in Richmond. His best friend, Fiona, miss him, and so do his parents. He was a beautiful boy. Stella Magnolia now lives with them. I'm so happy she joined their family.Sweet Bonnie was able to live a wonderful life with the Perkins for six years. Her brother, Haydn (the brown one) missed her so much that they adopted our senior Peke, Milford. Rest in peace, sweet Bonnie.Anne's Teddy died at over 15 years old. She had him for about 5 years after his previous owner went into a nursing home. Teddy had a wonderful life with Anne. I know she misses her sweet boySusan's boy Leo came to her through a shelter. She adopted him on Vallentine's Day in 2003 and he lived a wonderful life with her until this year in July. Susan is a foster mom with us and gives so much to the Pekes in her care. I know Leo would like knowing that.Tiffany and Mike-- who have fostered many for us, took in this little old man when he was turned into a shelter after his mom died. He was supposed to last a few months, but that turned into several years where he was cared for and loved. Dee's Pooh came to her when she was ten years old. They were such good friends and Dee loved her so much. Pooh developed cancer but lasted longer than the vets thought she would-- she had a determined spirit. Her mommy told her she was a very good dog and that they would see each other again and play forever in a wonderful place. Dee stepped up, even in her grief of loss, and fostered Mazie for us. Jon and Ann's BooBoo. He came to them with his "sister" Baby. Baby died shortly after coming into rescue, but BooBoo was adopted by his foster parents wo he could live out his life. He was one of our calendar cover Pekes and was a beautiful boy. Joan's beloved QiuQiu died this year. He was the source of several Pekingese books that she wrote for children. I have her collection and will continue to remember him everytime I read the books to my grandchildren. Joan adopted "Deanie" who became "Sneaky Wu" and I know QiuQiu would be so glad his mom has a new best friend.Deanie Edward was Essie and Kevin's beloved boy. He was 14 years old and came from a rescue in Florida. Essie fell in love with Deanie, who was a "true challenge"-- but sometimes, that just makes us love them more. He is greatly missed.Reuben was an amazing little boy. He was a shelter mascot because he was too sick to be adopted. He was giving much love and special care by the shelter vet, he had comfy beds, toys and homemade food. He spent his days on his bed by the front desk. He died surrounded with the love of those who had cared for him.Shannon and Bruce lost their two Precious Pekes this year. Nala, the white one, and Tyler were bonded friends. Tyler was content to just lay around, but Nala was a honeybear who used to check the perimeter of the yard. She also loved to play ball. Their family adopted Odin from us and now help us by fostering.Zoe was Care's beloved girl. She died at 13 years old. (11.28.99 to 4.15.12) Her mom called her Zoe, Zo, Bobo, the Bo, Zoellia, Russ Feingold reject, Chipmunk chaser. She was a member of the K9 Corp and could hold 4 tennis balls in her mouth. She was a therapy dog also and visited many who were helped by her loving and calm nature. She is greatly missed by her family.This was Michelle and Eddie's Missy. She was rescued from a breeder and was of "no use" to them anymore. She was loved for over 12 years and was loyal to the end. She was queen of her home and is missed every day.Willow would have been ten years old in January 2012, but she died in December, 2011. She had been a puppy mill dog and she had many medical problems. She loved to play in the snow and was a very loved girl. Valerie, her mom, misses her so much.Hugo (above) and his Boston Terrier sister, Elsie, both died in 2011, but I just received this picture. I don't have one of Elsie, but her parents said she loved treats up until the end. Sullivan came into rescue with his brother, Gilbert in August, 2011. Sullivan had a severe heart problem and died while a pacemaker was being put in. His owner and his brother were devastated. Princeton was adopted from us and died in December, 2011. I didn't know until after the New Year, so wanted to honor him on this year's farewells. His mom and dad have adopted Harper and Caleb/Teddy wu-- I know Princeton would approve.Sweet Portia came to us from a shelter-- we found out she was heartworm positive. She was one of the few who did not make it through the treatment. We don't know why, but we were all devastated.Livi was a Norfolk Terrier who belonged to Sarah. Sarah works in our Richmond vet's office and helped care for all our fosters up there.Celeste's Charlie died in January. He was twelve years old and loved so much.
 Mr. Magoo, beloved pet of Lisa and Andy, was rescued from a shelter in California.   He was in pretty bad shape and she took him home with her.   Sometimes, we don't get much time with them, but he died with love and being held in her arms.
 Essie's Chewie lost his battle with auto-immune disease.   He was on meds for years, and his body just gave out-- but he was 15 years old and loved so much.  He had a wonderful life.
 Jubilee came into rescue and she was one of the few who was so terrified that it was better for her to let her go.    The vet said she was so traumatized that she could not settle down.  We never do this easily, or on our own.   After she was gone, I could finally hold her and kiss her.   I'm so sorry we couldn't do more for you.
 Weezie was rescued after wandering down the middle of a road.    She went to live with Cherry in NC and was a wonderful girl.   She had four years with her new mom and is missed so much.
 Taloola came from a grim life in a broken down crate in a wooded area.  She was used for breeding and had no love-- but when we got her, she had so much love to give.    She had a wonderful life with Susan and her family for 3 years.
 Deva was the beloved Corgi of Laurie and Lyn.   Here she was with her best friend, Mick, who was adopted from us.    She was a dear girl and missed also by her friend, Dash, the cat.    You were a beautiful girl, Deva.
 Misty was one of my fosters from 2007.    This sweet girl had been called "unadoptable"-- she was wonderful though and had a loving life with her new family near me.   
 Dr. Jones was a beautiful boy of John and Terry.  He was a therapy dog who visited people in hospitals to cheer them up.   They would be asked, "Is it okay if Dr. Jones comes to see you?"   They thought it was another doctor until Dr. Jones walked in the room and brightened their life!
 Sweet Theodora came into rescue in 2005.    She was such a part of her new family and best friend for JR.    Her family adopted Julius from us this month -- and now he is the recipient of the love they have to give.   
 Yoshi was rescued after her owner died.   She went to live with Genise and was very cherished until she died this year.    What a beautiful girl!
 Norma Jean belonged to Caryn.   She fought to stay with her mom, but ultimately, she let go to have peace.  Her mom misses her so much.
 Goldie was a senior when she was saved by Susan in 2010.    She had been a hoarder's dog and finally received the love she deserved by Susan and her husband.   She was clean and fed and loved for two years.   Your mom misses you, Goldie.
 Mocha was a foster dog of Paige and Danni and had quite a reputation.    He lived with them for most of his life.    He died of congestive heart failure this year and I know they miss him.   Rest in peace, little  boy.
 Annie was the precious cat of our foster parents, Kath and Darrell.    She died suddenly  at 14 1/2 years old.     She was so special, especially to Darrell and I know she is missed tremendously.
Rest was the "heart dog" of my vet, Dr. Evans.    He did all that was medically possible for Rex, who had a multitude of problems, but he would rally and prance and run.    His presence in their home is missed by them.    He was a sweet boy and lived to be 15 years old.

This is Boots, and his mom Mary sent me his picture. He was rescued from the SPCA in Jamestown NY because he was nipping at the young boys he lived with (who probably deserved it) as he showed signs of being abused (hit & amp; kicked). We never did break him of fear biting (both Chris & I have the scars to prove it) but we loved him nonetheless for the almost 14 years we had him before losing him suddenly to cancer.
Valerie sent me this. "I'd like to add Major, my Original Dog, not a Peke, but a cocker, who I rescued at 4 years of age - my very first dog ever. Together we had so many adventures including two cross country road trips, seeing the Grand Canyon, Graceland, Cadillac Ranch, and Eastern Market and North Beach and Solomon's Island closer to home. He overcame severe pneumonia, but got diabetes, had to have surgery to remove cataracts, all at 12, and then we had him for more than three more years, he passed at 15 and a half this past March. He was my baby and my little boy and even though he didn't really like other dogs, because of him we both 'paid it forward' and began to foster and get involved in rescue. If not for Major being the wonderful boy he was, we would never know Potomac Pekes and we would have never had the joy of fostering Popsicle (who at 14 is doing very well!). Never forgotten."

I received this picture of Bentley, the beloved dog of Sherry, who adopted Festus and Briscoe from us.    Bentley was a stray who found Sherry 15 years ago and lived with her ever since.    Her vet came to the house so he could let go in the comfort of his own home.  (I love this kind of vet!)  Sherry had given him deli turkey and non-chocolate cookies as she took the day off to spend with him.    Festus seemed to know she was sad because he curled up with her to give her comfort.   Sherry said, "Festus curled up against me instead of sleeping in his little bed which I always put on my bed. They were like that for  several days as I grieved. If only some humans could be so attentive and supportive."    We are so sorry for your life
To all those beloved pets who went over the Rainbow Bridge this year, you are missed.   You were so much a part of the lives of those you touched and loved.    This is the hardest blog to do this year-- loss is never easy.   If I missed your pet, please let me know and send an email and picture to me at     Rest in peace, little ones.

Sunday, December 30, 2012


 Alastor came into rescue in June.  We honestly didn't know if he would make it, because he was in such serious condition.    Alastor sent me an email and he wants to tell his story.
 My name is Alastor “Mad Eye” Moody and this is my story. I used to have a different name but I do not remember it. I like this one better because I am named after a character from Harry Potter who is strong and brave.
  My new mom said I needed a strong name to help me get well. I was at a shelter after I got lost and my family did not come for me. I was so sick the kind shelter workers contacted PVPC and let me go early before my official time because they were afraid I would die. (I fooled them!).
 I tried to charm them all with kisses but nobody wanted them because my teeth were so bad. My foster mom and dad told me I was profoundly underweight,had a very bad heart, severe anemia,fleas and ticks,rotten teeth and a disease called Ehrlichiosis (from the ticks). They were afraid I would die soon(I fooled them too!)
 My mom said my body was weak but my spirit was strong. My mom and Dad gave me medicine and hand fed me home cooked food every day for two months.
  My teeth hurt so bad I would not eat by myself at all, but I wanted to live. I finally had a family to love me and I was not going to give up now. Finally mom said I was as strong as I could get until my teeth were fixed.
  She knew she had to pull my bad teeth but she was very afraid I would not make it through surgery. (I fooled her again!) My mom (who is also my vet) was very scared but she took every precaution and put me under anesthesia to pull 12 abscessed teeth. She said my heart never missed a beat the entire surgery but hers sure did!
 Mom was sure I would feel bad the next day and not eat but I fooled her again! The next morning I ate an entire bowl of soft dog food without even any people food and did not even have to be hand fed! It was the first time in years I could eat without pain. I have now gained 4 pounds and mom says my nickname should be “chunkmeister”. Now I can even give kisses and nobody wrinkles their nose!
I go to work with my mom everyday and always look out the window the entire ride. Most of my life was not like this and I do not want to miss anything now. Life is too short for us all and I do not plan to waste even one single second ! I get to sleep in the bed every night and be spoiled every day. I love this life.

My Mom and Dad told me I am now a foster failure and I can stay here forever, but I knew that all along. They could not fool me!
My name is Alastor “Mad Eye” Moody and this is my story complete with a happy ending!
Alastor and his Mom