Friday, October 31, 2014


 Desi usually has our holiday blog spot-- she has been a faithful subscriber for a long time and I just have to post pictures of her.  
 This year she wanted to be a blond beauty queen.    Oh, my goodness, you are stunning.   Is the crown a little heavy or does your crown weigh too much?   Being a queen can make you tired!    How long does it take to do your hair?
 Onslow wanted to be a pirate-- but Desi wanted him to be the king.  So, he did.
 Being a king is hard work-- time to rest!
And adorable Tucker is just a sporty guy here.    I love the hat and tie!    HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE!

Thursday, October 30, 2014


 Janis lost her precious girl, Sophie, today from congestive heart failure.    Sophie was a tiny, 5 pound Peke and was 14 years old.    No matter how old they are, we still want more time.  
Rest now, sweet Sophie, breathe deeply and run free.   You are loved and will be missed so much.


 Lexie is slowing recovering from her surgery last week and is still visiting with Lucinda and Roger.   She'll come back soon.    
 She was able to be part of their photo shoot session!!
 Sweet Desi-- who has a LOT of dresses-- lent Lexie a special one so Lexie would not feel left out.
And Madge (see her tomorrow) lent her a fancy hat!    Isn't she beautiful!   Miss my little foster girl and hope she'll be home soon!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


 Diva Pearl and her son, Shoko Moko are just beautiful!  They are small Pekes with big personalities.
Diva Pearl is ready for Halloween-- wonder how she will dress up.    She has a lot of outfits to choose from.
 She is such a stunning little girl and has long, beautiful hair.
 I love this picture of her.
 Diva Pearl and Shoko Moko are in a book that has just been released.   "Dogs In Cars" is available!
Click here: BUY BOOK / 2015 CALENDAR — DOGS in CARS

75% of the dogs in the book are rescues and Diva Pearl and Shoko Moko want to encourage people to adopt.   Check out the link above to order your copy!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


 Marshall found his forever home at the meeting we had at Jeanne's house.
 His new mom had come to meet Chumley-- but she fell in love with Marshall instead.  Chumley is fine here-- can you tell haha.
 Marshall  felt perfectly relaxed with his new mom.
 He is such a beautiful boy and has come through so much-- two knee surgeries and a hip surgery.  His amazing spirit never wavered-- he kept on to he could heal.  
 He rode to his new home with Biscuit, his new brother.   (Oh, the look on his face-- that breaks our hearts as we send them on, but then we can help another.  And we know they'll be just fine, too.)
 Marshall fit in right away.    He acts like he has lived there forever.
 He loves his new beds-- well,some are his brother's, but Biscuit is sharing.
 Look at the smile on his face.
 He is so happy with his new family.
And now, I think he's going to take a nap.    We're so glad you have such a wonderful new home!  Love you, Marshall!

Monday, October 27, 2014


 This is Oscar with his dad.    His mom sent me this picture last year after they adopted him.   (not our group)    He had been the victim of abuse and the owners had been told to relinquish him or be charged.    They gave him up and Oscar was a lucky boy!
 He is adorable and he wanted you to see his Halloween outfit!  
I love it!   I see you're a pirate.    Maybe I should get one of those hats for my Max, who just has one eye.    He would fit right in with that hat!     Tell your mom thanks for sharing your pictures, Oscar!!

Sunday, October 26, 2014


 Piglet has been in rescue for awhile-- and we received an application for him.
So, he came from the western part of Virginia to my area in S.E. Virginia.
 He left his foster brother, Alex,  in his foster home.... and then his adopter decided he was not the right fit for her.    We do our very best to make sure our adopters know all about the dog they are adopting.   We don't want "adoption failures"-- but sometimes, it is just not the right fit.
So, I picked Piglet up and brought him to my house.   All my dogs tried to make him feel safe.   My dogs are so used to Pekes coming and going-- it doesn't phase them.  They just think someone new has come to play.
 Piglet has a sad face-- but it's his look.   He was wagging his tail and was happy in the yard and following me around.
 He hung out on the couch with Kai Kai-- wow, dogs can sure mess up a couch and cushions!  
 He loved looking out the windows and even alerted me when a burglar was stealing a newspaper (my neighbor haha).
 In the yard, he enjoyed wandering around, and would even run out with the gang.   He has a lot of energy.
 Chumley, my foster, was instantly looking out for Piglet.   He would check him out, follow him around, keep an eye on him.    It was amazing.
Piglet is now back with his foster mom after about 6  hours of transport (3 of us).    Look at that face!    Piglet is 10 years old, and has a heart murmur, but he still has a lot of life left in him.   I do love these older ones!

Saturday, October 25, 2014


 Chumley came into rescue 3 weeks ago.    His coat was matted, filthy and his skin infected.
 He was shaved down, and then he had eye fold surgery and a dental.
 And the dreaded e-collar went on-- which he didn't mind a bit.
 He's now healed and has discovered a love for toys.
 His skin is so much better, but he is still getting baths every 3-4 days.   Do you think he was trying to hide his towel, so I would not give him a bath? :-)
 He discovered a new place to rest-- on the end table by the Pekingese jars.
I see you there-- and you can't stay.   You are just fine on the couch.   Okay, Okay, you can lay on my heating pad. :-)
 Chumley is the happiest, easiest foster dog.   He loves every one, every thing.   He has so much enthusiasm for life.   Love you, Chumley-Chum!

Friday, October 24, 2014


 At the Peke meeting last Saturday, Amelia--Meme- came with her mom Fiona.  She has the cutest wide-eyed look as she sits on Claretta's lap.
 I think she was looking at Jeanne's chicken-- "the girls"-- four of them.  
 Amelia couldn't get over them!   It must have been exhausting to watch because....
 She soon fell asleep in her mom's arms.
They sure do love each other!!