Sunday, November 30, 2014


 Koko came to me from a Maryland shelter last March.  
 She had ten major seizures the first week-end I had her.    Thank goodness, my vet is 2 miles away and they are open late (until midnight!).    I was there a lot.
 After trial and error, we found a dose of phenobarbital and potassium bromide that worked great for seizure control.   She did great on them and did not have any more seizures.
 Koko is a stunningly beautiful Peke.
 She had a lot of personality and became attached to us very quickly.  (That showed me she could love someone else, too.)
 Here she was at the picnic running straight to me.    Made my heart smile-- look at her face!!
 Yes, she was a happy girl.    With her seizure medications, I wasn't sure anyone would adopt her.
 But, then I got an application for her-- and they lived near me!   How often does that happen?
 She met the dogs at their home and two liked her right away.  Here she is giving her new dad kisses.
 Nunzio, the Corgi, well, he was hesitant about her joining the home.    He was looking at her as if to say, "why are you here?"    She was touching him!
 Her new mom and dad loved her right away!
 She took over Nunzio's bed.   He laid on the floor, near by.
 Koko checked out the back yard-- which is on the water.   How nice is that!
 And then she and Nunzio began to run the fence with the neighbor dogs.    Koko loved to run here with one of my daughter's dogs.
 Back and forth, Koko and Nunzio ran.    It looked like "Me" and "Mini-Me"-- which is what he new dad calls her!
 They have so much fun.
 She has gained on him.
Then, they came in-- got on the couch and took a nap.    I am thrilled that Koko has such a wonderful new home.     And she is doing great, which makes it so much easier on me (I always worry about them).     I love you, beautiful Koko!    I am so glad you were with me awhile-- and that you have your very own forever home now!  

Saturday, November 29, 2014


 Camp Runamuck has wound down.   It's a little calmer today.   Lexie and Kai Kai are exhausted.
 Usually, it is Kai Kai and Lexie in the open crate behind my desk.
 But, over Thanksgiving, Pi-Pi climbed in. She is my daughter's Lab-Shepherd mix who is about 13 now.
 One time, Kai Kai was already in there.   Can you move over?
 Chumley loved all the extra company-- here he is with Bitty Bit.
 Max must have been worn out because he got up on her lap.
 Starlight was in her hidey hole.   Pi found a little dog bed, and Lexie curled up on another.   The xpen was for Lottie, my daughter's older Peke.   Lottie has to wear a diaper now, or she has to be in the xpen.   She's going on 15!
 Chumley made the rounds and curled up with Lil Bit.  
 The rest were fine-- the floor was much easier to get to.
We all had a wonderful Thanksgiving-- I hope all of you did, too!

Friday, November 28, 2014


 My friends' Dobie, Trena died suddenly today.   She was a beautiful Blue Doberman.
 Here she was with all her friends-- Pekes and Dobies together.
 She thought she was a Peke-- and the Pekes thought they were Dobies.
 Trena  had celebrated her 7th birthday-- she was rescued as a puppy in 2007.    She had been treated for heart disease for the last year and a half, but today she was running and playing with her Peke friends, Domino and Maggie.    She never knew she was ill.
I'm so sorry for her moms, Kay and Claretta-- they miss their precious girl so much.    I am heartbroken for them.   Run free  now, sweet Trena.  


 It is Black Friday in Peke rescue-- well, maybe I should say, Black and White Friday.    Sebastian above is a new foster boy.  
 His foster mom said he is always wagging his tail and giving kisses.   He is about 11 years old and is still having his medical done.
 Elwood, here with his friend, Camden (who is available for adoption) was one of my fosters.
 I remember taking him for a home visit-- and he acted like he had always lived there.  So much for me! haha
 Could you resist this face?   Just love that boy!
 Macaroon was adopted a year ago by Toni, his foster mom.   He is about 7 now, and just loves her.
 Are you wondering about all the crowds at the malls today, Macaroon?    Don't worry--
Like Elwood, you can just hang out and sleep or watch TV.   It should be an easy day for you.    (HMM, maybe I'll do that same!)

Thursday, November 27, 2014


 I love autumn-- the colors are stunning around us.   I live in Virginia and I think it is such a beautiful season-- plus it has Thanksgiving!
 All of us at my home want to wish you a blessed Thanksgiving.   Here is Chumley-- Chum-Chum, Chummy.    He is laid back when he's not running around with his purple gorilla.
 Lexie is here-- she has a support group cheering her on.    Some of her medications have been increased.    She is fighting an infection, but we are doing all we can do to bring her through.  She is so sweet.
 Starlight is in her usual place in the coffee table.    She would love to sit at the table for Thanksgiving dinner-- not happening little girl. :-)
 The Bits are here.   Drill Bit and Beach Bit will wrestle, run, play, fight-- and just be boys.
 Bitty Bit and Lil Bit will make cards, have fun, do crafts and help us in the kitchen.
 Kai Kai just wants to hang out.    The top of the couch is his favorite place.
And Max, my oldest Peke now, just wants to watch us, sleep and hope something delicious falls from the table.    Have a blessed Thanksgiving from all of us!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Grace and Ted's mom sent me this-- so it's our blog for the day!
 Grace & Ted's daddy recently rented a big gas-powered log splitter for a day and worked hard (made a good bit of noise & mess, too!).
Grace & Ted stayed in the house most of the time, but when he was done and cleaning up, they came to inspect his work.  :-)
 Then they meandered back out into the yard to watch for dogs walking by and for Ted to keep an eye out for squirrels.
 Hmm, something smells good here.
 Okay, we're ready to go back in the house.
 Ted:  Oooh, are you taking pictures of us in our matching hoodies??
Grace:  For pete's sake, just let me in the house…..