Tuesday, June 30, 2015


 Little Marnie is doing great in her foster home.   They have renamed her Martini and call her Tina.
 Little Tina is improving daily-- this was last Monday, over a week ago and her skin is even better now.
 She went to meet her foster parents and Susan, who was temporarily fostering her, felt so sad.
 We get attached SO quickly to these little ones in need.
 They know we are there to help them, and get attached right back.  Just look at this face!
 Oh, the look breaks my heart. It's part of fostering, and getting them to the foster home that they need to be in.   My friend, Susan, helps with temporary fostering until a permanent foster home can be found-- what would I do with out her help!?
 Tina's hair is already growing in.   And I love her pink harness!
 She had a little trouble adjusting to her foster home, but now she is with the gang.   She has realized they are all there to be her friends.
 She has baths every few days for her skin-- oh my.
 But, I see a smile after!!
They had a big rain storm (look at it coming off the shed roof) and most of the dogs were scared.   Beau, Tori and Pop were putting on dramatics to be sure their parents understood the world was coming to an end.   Tina was totally relaxed and calm.  
They had company and Tina hid behind the couch.  But, she was way too interested in what was going on, and out she came to meet their visitors.   She has also decided she needs to learn how to use the IPAD.  Maybe she can do a few blogs for me!   I need a helper. :-)
Tina has settle right in and now is new friends with Tori, and Beau.   Life is good!

Monday, June 29, 2015


 Bella was turned into us by her owner.   There was a 2 year old grandchild in the home and I guess he wasn't very good with Bella.
 I am amazed how tolerant most Pekes are with children, but they really do not want little ones in their faces.
 Bella was covered (covered!) in fleas, so we took care of that right away.  
 She only weighs 9.7 pounds!  She could stand to gain a little weight.
 She is a little timid, but loved the attention she was getting.   She was so good at the vet.
Look for more on her-- she won't last long!   (We do have some interest in her, so there may be a line! haha)

Sunday, June 28, 2015


 We got ready yesterday morning to make the trip to Williamsburg to meet Sophie's new mom.
 I had a little dress that fit her-- and I took Desi's lead and dressed her up!
 She met her mom's friend, John and just about fell asleep.
 Going to meet a new mom can be emotionally exhausting!   They know something is up.
 Don't worry, Sophie, life is going to get better and better!
 And guess what!?
 Santa was there!   He is at this flagship Yankee Candle all year round.
 He usually wears his Hawaiian shirt in the summer.   There is a nice and naughty book that children can sign.  Sophie just met him-- but she would have signed the "nice" book.
 Then, it was time to go.
 She went for a walk.
 She loves to explore.
 (Here we were in the Christmas room at Yankee Candle-- snow fell on us!)
 She is checking out her new bed at home.
 She is ready to settle in.
I miss you sweet girl-- but you will get so much attention there now.  
 Just tell your mom to give you lots of kisses from me.

Saturday, June 27, 2015


 Sophie came into rescue, a shelter dog with no hope of being adopted.
 Being labeled as "old, blind" no one was going to get this thin little girl.
 Rescue got her-- and she was young!   Yes, she is blind, but probably has always been that way, so her hearing and smell are very acute!  
 She loves to snuggle, and here she was on my husband's lap.
 And my lap-- She just loves people!
 Her new mom, Tricia, sent me pictures of her new "set up."    One bed here...
 Another one here...
 Food and water bowls are ready...
Little Sophie has a home!
I am just thrilled for her!

Friday, June 26, 2015


 Look at these two cuties.   They are visiting this week.
 Max, the Peke, was my foster over 8 years ago.   His brother, Uggie, is 12, just like Max.
 Uggie snorts and snores and is just over the top sweet!  
 Max always grabbed my heart when he was here.   He is a little timid, but wags his tail all the time.  
 When we had company (yesterday's blog), they were right in there to get attention.
They are going home tomorrow, but I'm so glad they came for a visit,   You can't get too much sweetness in your house!