Thursday, December 31, 2015


"Sometimes," said Pooh, "the smallest things take up the most room in your heart."  A.A. Milne

 This is the hardest blog to do-- the last one of the year where we say farewell to those who have left us this year.   As I put each picture in, I knew the heartache that each loss meant to their family.  My heart goes out to everyone who lost one this year.   My foster, Lexie, is one I am posting this year-- I know the pain each of you feel at loss of a special friend.   If I missed yours, please send me a picture and I will include it.  
Linda and the Pekes here
 Lady Snaps
 Nick and Sydney
 Jules Verne
 Gracie Lu
 Moi Moi
 Nikki Sue
 Rescue partner Linda Cribb, friend in rescue
 Lottie -- my grand dog
And my sweet girl, Lexie.  

Run Free now, little ones.   Play with your friends at the Rainbow Bridge.   We love you.
 Ollie just left his family this week.
Paws, sweet one, gone too soon
Chanel, who died on Christmas Day-- farewell sweet one.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015


 Christmas at Camp Runamuck is joyful, chaotic and full of love.
 Joy prevails.
 Dogs find comfy spots in front of the tree-- Starlight is here.
 Babies-- and dogs-- are dressed up in silly outfits.
 There are big and small trees around the house.   This one has a little village under it.
 This one has a manger scene next to it.
 The biggest is decorated with new and old ornaments, snow and lights.
 Dogs pose for pictures.  Floyd and Starlight were so adorable.
 Beds were made ready for the Bits.
 Goodies and bears were made ready.
 Snowflake sheets and special blankets covered the beds.
 Beach Bit read the paper with Poppy-- a good start to the day.
 Wreaths were inside and outside.  This one was fresh pine and I got a whiff of it every time I walked by.   Oh, I loved it!
 This manger scene is very special to me and very old.  It's always put in a safe place-- aka, not near dogs or children.
 I love my candles on the mantle.
 We put a baby gate around one of the trees, but later took it down and the dogs did not bother the tree.  Progress!
 Santa kept guard over everything.  This Santa is old-- made by my mom when my own children were small.
 Christmas ribbon adorned the basket of old rolling pins that are also full of memories.   I love their history.
 The hallway had one of the quilts from the quilt show we had to raise money for our rescue.
 Angels kept watch.
 And shepherds were near  (Beach Bit was in his pre-school play).
 Words of faith were around the house-- Believe, Faith, Hope...
 Kai Kai put up with the antlers-- and did not even try to remove them.
 Santa arrived-- and left goodies for the four Bits who were here.
 Floyd did not care--he just wanted a soft bed.
 Drill Bit loved his toys.
 And a fairy house brightened Bitty Bit's morning!
 She loved her pillow-- all the while, wearing her antlers.  
 Star War creatures had a fight in front of the tree.
 And Drill Bit just posed, smiling at all that was spread around the family room.
 Lil Bit found a reading spot-- her favorite!
 Bitty Bit hugged one of her gifts-- a pillow with a favorite scene on it.
 And THEN... they went digging for dinosaur bones in the yard.   A "paleontologist" we know (hint hint) sent a letter saying there were dinosaur bones in the yard.
 Wearing a riding helmet and digging for bones in your jammies made it even more fun.
 An excavation site was so close.
 Later, we dressed up, and Beesey Bit and Lil Bit (who is growing up too fast!) were ready for dinner.
 There were more toys next door at my sister's house.
 Sugar Bit was content on her Nannie's lap-- she was passed around a bit (no pun there!) so everyone could love on her.
 Our foster granddaughter was so happy to have her first-ever Christmas with a family.   She loved holding onto one of the dogs.  (Her favorite dog is Chumley.)  She even face timed with her friend in her home country so she could share all the dogs and chaos.  She loved it.  
 Starlight wanted to help clean up.
 Sugar Bit just wanted her octopus.
 Later, we made marshmellow treats-- dipped in chocolate and peppermint pieces.
 And the dogs slept-- Gigi was exhausted.
 Pi was ready for a long winter's nap.
 Max found his spot on the ottoman.
 And Floyd found a spot in a crate I use as a table on the back porch.  
Lights were in the windows, wreaths on the doors, holly and a blanket were on the front porch swing.   Christmas may be over, but the decorations will remain up a little longer.  The spirit of Christmas, of loving and giving can go on all year in our home-- the decorations will change.    It's a place we love-- and we hope your Christmas was as blessed as ours was.