Monday, October 31, 2016


 Halloween costumes on dogs are SO cute!!    Russell was modeling his outfit.
 My friend, Elaine, rescued Pip-- he was in awful shape (like our Joyful Grace) and now he bounces around and is all set for Halloween!
 Triple and Maggie are ready!
 My friend, Donna, makes costumes for her five!  They are the Flying Monkeys.  TOO CUTE!!
 Sophie thought long and hard and ....
 here is her beautiful dress.   Just stunning!
 Love this picture-- now that is a long tongue!
 Charly is set-- she's scary!
But, remember.  You open the door a LOT on Halloween to pass out candy.  We may assume that our dogs won't get out, won't be scared.   But, they may be both-- so if you want them close by, keep them leashed to something so they can't run out the door.  It would be terrifying for them.   That way, they can have a happy Halloween, too.

Sunday, October 30, 2016


 Coco, look out!  There's a spider behind you.   He looks really creepy and scary!
 He's coming in for the attack!  
 Or maybe he is just crawling over you.
 Maybe he wants to share your bed!
I get it-- he just wants to snuggle!   Spiders in Australia are sure different!!  Happy Halloween down there!

Saturday, October 29, 2016


Are you ready!!??   Our PVPC 2017 calendar is now available!!   My foster, Abner, is now a therapy dog and HE will grace our front cover!!   WOO HOO!!
Starlight is so excited that she will be on it this year!!!

To order this calendar, send an email to Fiona at and let her know how many you want to order.   Please include your address and she will let you know what your total is (calendar plus postage, which changes depending on how many you are ordering).   The calendars are $20.00 each.   It will be a wonderful addition to your desk or as a gift.   Let us know, so we can get them out to you quickly.   First come, first serve.  :-)  (We can reorder, but that takes time if you want them soon.)   


 Freddie is usually busy taking orders for his business-- Freddies Finds.  Click here: Freddies Finds
 He models hats for his company.
 I love this one!!
 But, he knows Halloween is coming, so he was thinking REALLY hard about what costume to wear.
 Does he want to be the green monster??
 Or a pink bunny rabbit.
 Is the Magical Unicorn the one?
 Or a sweet little bear.
 I think Raggedy Ann and Andy are great!    This are a throw back to my child hood!!
After after it's all over, I know he'll be taking a nap.   All that decision making is exhausting!

Friday, October 28, 2016


 Butterscotch came into rescue in June.  He takes a flying leap of excitement to be out of the shelter.
 He was timid and scared.
 Allie Marie tried to make him more comfortable.   I think they're really trying out for undercover work!  
 Butterscotch was afraid of the leash and the harness and had trust issues.  
Ida said he was "sad, untrusting, abused and malnourished."   What had he gone through?   He was learning what safety was about.  And he was in the right place to learn it.
 He was fine with the other dogs, and they gave him a lot of support-- Allie Marie watched over him. Ida said they "shared their toys with him so he wouldn't have to chase his tail so much."    
 He gained weight, learned that walks were fun, and he found that the walking trails were wonderful.
 His foster parents decided he needed to remain with them, in the place where he learned he was safe.  No more moves.
He is there with Allie Marie, and Jasper and Taz (his "brother's" dog who visits often).   They have changed his name to Percy and he has all the adventure and all the love he can handle.   Welcome Home, Percy!!

Thursday, October 27, 2016


 Amelia/Mimi came into rescue in February of 2010.  She was in a shelter in the Richmond area.
 I met Jeanne and Amelia came to my area for fostering.   She was such a sweet girl!!
 We thought she was about 5-6 years old, but we're never sure when they are strays.   She was soon adopted and went to live with Paddington/Paddy.
 Paddy was adopted from us and he was ready for a friend.
 "What?  A friend?"   She was ready!
 Paddy tried to remain aloof at first, but....
 He quickly realized he liked having a buddy!
 They became friends and were cherished by their mom and dad.   Paddy died in 2012, and Amelia missed him.    
 Amelia was on her own for awhile, but not for long.   Was there a new friend in town?
 Yes!   Her name was Magnolia.  
 They became friends-- Most Pekes love having a buddy.
 They hung out together.
 Amelia had eye problems and lost one of her eyes.   Later, she began to lose her hearing, but she could still get around.  
In the past few months, Mimi had more eye issues with her remaining eye and had to have surgery.  She had little if any sight.   This made her very disoriented, but her parents didn't give up.   Mimi saw the ophthalmologist and all was done to save her sight.   In the past few weeks, though, it was obvious other issues were going on.   Mimi was not doing well and the vet thought a neurological episode may have occurred.  Mimi was very confused, had to be on heavy pain meds and this week, she showed she was not doing well and ready to be out of pain.   Even with medication, she was in great distress.   It was time to let her go--so with a very sad heart, her mom and dad said good-bye to this incredibly sweet girl.   All of us who met her, and her foster mom, Beth, are grieving for Mimi's parents-- losing one is so difficult, especially one as sweet as Amelia.   She has now joined her brother, Paddington, and is free, hearing and seeing and playing.   You will be greatly missed, Amelia.  You were loved.


 Tinsel came into rescue several years ago and was adopted and given a loving home.
 But, her adoptive mom became too ill to take care of her and she came back to rescue.  
 She fit right into Roger and Lucinda's home and they have decided to adopt her.   I know they do a lot of dressing up for Halloween, and I'm sure Desi will share an outfit with her.  
 Monkey was put in a shelter several years ago after his owner died.   The family didn't want him and he had a very rough time adjusting to shelter life.  Most dogs have a hard time!   We brought him into rescue and he has been at Roger and Lucinda's.   He does fine most of the time with the dogs-- as long as the others behave (I hear you, Monkey!).  
 He jumps and plays and has a great time.
 He looks like he is stalking something here-- or keeping his ball safe!
This was one of his Halloween pictures last year-- I wonder what he'll be dressed like this year.   Monkey and Tinsel are now permanent members of Desi's family-- and it doesn't get better than that!