Wednesday, November 30, 2016


 Fostering is NOT easy.   It takes part of your heart when they leave.   (Even if it's just to a foster home in the same town!)
 Bumbles was only here four days and I took him to his foster home near me.  I petted him in the car and when I stopped, he pawed my hand.  OH, HEART STEALER!
 We got to Kam's and met her pack.   Fio was so sweet with Bumbles.
 Nunzio was trying to herd him.   :-)
 Panda was just rescued by Kam and I loved seeing her again!
 Bumbles thought she was beautiful.
 "Come on down and see the lake."  
 Nunzio will watch over him.
 "Come on little fellow."
 Bumbles kept going back to Fio.  (for Fiorello)
 I think they will be good friends.
 Nunzio kept trying to tell Bumbles which way to go.  
 Bumbles didn't care.
 Fio and Midnight-- both beautiful!
 Bumbles hid under the chair for awhile.
 Maggie was full of herself (I think I have them all straight-- let me know, Kam!).
 Panda now has a buddy her size.
 I held Bumbles like a baby-- I will sure miss him, but he's in a great place.   I want to keep them all, but can't.  Bummer--
I love you, little man!

Tuesday, November 29, 2016


My house is a full place most of the time.  Dogs, grandbits.   Max and Callie (my granddog) took over the playroom couch. 
 The porch swing was in use...
 Chumley was excited because he would have LOTS of people to play with him.  His favorite dumbel toy is behind him.
 Granger (formerly Digger) decided the chair/rocker was a good spot.   Why is it that the dogs always want on the furniture??  Granger fell out through the side-- funny boy!
 Callie took over a Pekingese bed-- she just doesn't fit.
 But, Kai Kai does.
 Max was on his stool by the window-- his favorite spot.
 Gigi took over a bigger bed.   This was after a huge play session with Callie and they were both exhausted.
 Granger tried another spot-- the couch this time.
 Pi is 15-- she has cancer surgery last spring and is doing great.   She is the BEST dog ever, even though she's not a Peke.
 Starlight kept trying to find out of the way spots.
 Kai Kai and Floyd cozied up on a bed that Jane gave us (one of Gracie Lu's and we love it).
 While the Thanksgiving Camp Runamuck was in session, we did a dog rescue.   Bumbles was in a shelter near us and he was set free.  Bitty Bit went to the vet with me.
 "Another dog?" says Starlight.
 She ignored Bumbles, but Bumbles decided he liked Floyd.
 Chumley did his antics, turning himself upside down on the couch.
 Starlight had enough and crawled into the coffee table shelf-- her hidey-hole.   That's why there is a little blanket in there, she's in there so often!    It is now quieter, only six dogs here (Bumbles will go to a foster home today).    Life is back to normal-- whatever that is.
Did you count all the dogs?  There were ten here for the holiday-- oh my!

Monday, November 28, 2016


 The Mighty Sora Bear was born on February 21, 2006 and passed away today, November 28, 2016.
 He was a rescue Peke and has been with his mom and dad for ten years.   He was only ten years old, but, he began to have mobility issues.  His Dad would hold his dish to try to get him to eat.
 He went to the vet and was given medication, but he continued to decline.  
 Liza stayed with her sweet boy, encouraging him, but he lost back mobility and then front.  
 He stopped eating and drinking and they knew it was time to say goodbye.
 His brother, Tai, will miss him so much.   Sora was the leader and Tai will miss that friend to look up to.
You can run free, now sweet Sora-- you aren't in pain, you can run and play.   You will be missed so much.


 We were asked to take in this little man.  He was turned in when the owners said they could no longer care for him.   His is one of the "cases" that just make us mad in rescue.   This sweet Peke has been severely neglected--
 His eyes are bad, he is missing hair, he is emaciated, he is in pain.    But, we are doing all we can for him.   He has been to the vet several times already.  His bloodwork is surprisingly good, but he is not eating or comfortable.   We hope he will rally!   He is about ten years old and 9 pounds-- very underweight.
 He is resting, finally in a clean bed with soft blankets.   He is being offered food, but doesn't want to eat-- so he received a shot for nausea and for pain.   He received fluids to give him a boost.  He will see the vet again tomorrow.
Please pray for this sweet boy.   We just want him to have a life of love and care and safety.   If you want to help with his care, just go to our website to make a donation. Click here: Potomac Valley Pekingese Club - Donate Now   I'll keep you updated on his condition.
Linda Maxwell/blogger

Sunday, November 27, 2016


If you are interested in adopting one of our Pekingese, please go to our web site, and fill out our on line application.    We do home and vet checks before approval.  


Oreo was turned into a big shelter by the family of his owner.  His owner was elderly and could no longer care for him.
 Oreo and Prince were at the same shelter.  Both were extremely thin.   Prince was taken to the vet the same evening we got him-- very critical.   But, Oreo is young, just two years old.
 In rescue, volunteers (and we are all volunteers) are what makes rescue happen.   Ida, Laura, and Jackie were all on board to get Oreo vetted!   I'm SO grateful for these ladies!!  They are awesome!
 He stayed at Laura's the first night.   She gave him a bath, trimmed some knots off (why do Pekes always have knots on their ears!).  Laura wrote this:  
"Meet Oreo. Potomac Valley Pekingese Rescue has stepped in again and given this little pumpkin reason to be thankful this holiday. I'm tearing up as I write this, because I am watching him tossing his little squeaking turkey toy around after having enjoyed his dessert, which was just a bit of the real thing. I don't know what his situation was before he arrived at the city shelter in Baltimore. He is emaciated. But he hasn't let that get him down and is as happy as a little clam. I lost count of how many kisses he has given me! His fur is exceptionally soft. And boy, he is a playful little dude ... he looks a lot younger than 2 years. I would've pegged him at under a year! This little dude is 100% pure sugar. He is one of the sweetest dogs I've ever met. It will be extremely difficult to say goodbye to him tomorrow. My heart is hurting at the thought. I need to be honest with myself that most times I feel like I'm barely managing with my four dogs. Whoever adopts this angel will be an incredibly lucky pet parent."
 He was so good.  
 He is only 7.5 pounds and SO very thin.    But, he ate with gusto and gave lots of kisses!  
 He needs to be neutered and then will be up for adoption-- after Christmas.   Welcome to rescue, Oreo!!