Sunday, April 30, 2017


 Furby has been in foster care a month--and he's so much better.   He has a lot of skin issues, but they are improving.  After years of neglect, it does take awhile to get his system healthy.
 He is a sweet boy.   He gets along with other dogs and waits at the door if I go outside in front.  Chumley does, too!
 Furby had an adventure on Friday-- how did you get under there, and then not be able to get back out??   We had to lift the dresser to get him out.
Furby will be coming to the picnic today, so if you are there, you will get to meet him!!  Stay tuned for picnic pictures this week!!

Saturday, April 29, 2017


 Sweet Shelby was Jeanne's foster and she adores her.  But, Jeanne's friend and vet is caring for Shelby now since Jeanne is doing all she can to get well.  Rich and his wife, Charee, adore this tiny girl!
 Shelby has made herself right at home with her new family-- people and dogs alike.  She is getting incredible care-- having a vet dad is great!
 Look at how great she looks-- she doesn't care about that.  She is just enjoying cuddle time watching the TV.  What I want to know is does she talk to the TV like my Max does?  LOL

Friday, April 28, 2017


Sometimes, we take a dog into rescue who just needs a place to spend the rest of his life.  
Rudy was one of those.   He was immediately taken to the vet for care.
Rudy was brought to a shelter by his owners.  They said he was 15 and old, and he did not "do anything."
He has been an extremely loving boy with his foster mom Sherry (who also fostered Joyful Grace).   Sherry is so good with the older ones who need special care.
He still looks so good, even though he is going on 17 years old.
He can't hear at all-- we did ear oblation surgery on him and people were generous to help.  He recovered so well!
He met his new "brother" Lucky a few weeks ago and he welcomed him to their home.
Rudy had a ramp to get in and out of the house, but he was falling down more and more.
He has arthritis so it became increasingly hard to be comfortable.
He was still so beautiful-- but his body was 17 and we can't change that.  He also was on several heart medications and everything was done to help him.
His foster mom decided, after months of hoping he would improve, that it was time.  We both took him to his favorite vet, Dr. Courtney, and she gently let him go.  He is in no more pain now and running free with Joyful Grace and all the others Sherry has fostered as hospice dogs.  Run free now, sweet man.


 I can't believe Harrison has been in his new home for over 2 months now.  
 He is doing so well there and you can tell he is relaxed!
 Spring is in the air, and that means naps on the porch or deck for the Pekes.  Harrison is no different.
 Sophie does not have a deck, but she loves her walks.  The only problem with spring is that things are blooming, so if you have an allergy dog, spring may be a challenge.
Like several of mine, Sophie is on Apoquel.   It really helps many dogs who have allergies.  There is another new medication out, in shot form, called Cytopoint.  It lasts 4-8 weeks.  I am NOT a vet, and I just wanted to share this because my vet has suggested it to me.   I may try it with Chumley or Furby.   They are both having skin issues.   
Before I try it, I'll research it so I know more about it.  
In the meantime, I think a nap on the porch is in order.  Sugar Bit and Furby agree!

Thursday, April 27, 2017


 Heroes come in furry packages, too.  Our group can take in a needy dog, but the Pekes can be so amazing as they struggle to get better-- and they don't give up!
 Furby came in with Baby Girl and Rocky.  (I still have hopes that someone will adopt Rocky with Furby-- they were such good friends.)
 Furby enjoys being with other dogs and sometimes will lay next to them or near them.
 There he is again with my Kai Kai.
 Rocky was afraid of the kids, especially Sugar Bit, but Furby takes it all in stride.
 In fact, he likes them so much, he goes to the playroom to play with their toys.
 This soft ball is one of his favorites.
 Sugar Bit does not mind if he shares with her.
 It is so much fun.
 Rolling it around, pushing it here and there.
 There are a lot of toys in my office that used to be the formal living room-- it's really used now!  It's the playroom/office!  I have a tiny bit of the room where my desk is haha.
 Furby hangs out with Sugar Bit.  Watching out the door is fun.
 Laying down, and getting...
 snuggles with Furby.
Furby even gets on her little picnic table to give her a kiss.   Furby has come so far.  He gets around so much better now.  His skin continues to heal amazingly.   He is 12 years old, and about 17 pounds (solid, but not a big dog).  He will need eye drops the rest of his life, but he can see now!   He is a little hero who was neglected, but he is determined to live a good life.   And he is doing it!

Wednesday, April 26, 2017


 Beau lives in NC with his friends.  He came into rescue with his friend Pop (Lolli-Pop) over five years ago.  When I looked it up, I was so surprised it has already been five years!
 Domino and Tori are two of them-- small and big.  They all love it there.
Baby Girl is there with Beau, also, while she is being fostered and given medical care.   
 Pop and Beau were found wandering on the road near me and ended up in a shelter.  I'm so glad they stayed together.
 Teddy goes on vacation with his moms when they go to the beach.  He loves it!!  
 Tina was adopted after they fostered her.  Can it be almost two years!?   She brought so much joy to the house, they decided to keep her.
 Domino found a tent to hang out in. lol
 Yes, I'm talking about you sweet boy.  Domino was adopted when his moms said, "Give us the hardest dog you have."  Domino was it.  He is doing great now with all the love he's received.
They celebrate all the dogs' birthdays.  Hats, cake... it's a celebration!  Tina loved her party.
Maggie thinks she has the best parents-- and she does.  They are heroes, just like the owners in yesterday's blog.   There are many heroes in rescue-- I just want you to know some of them.  

Tuesday, April 25, 2017


 Albert came into rescue in 2015.
 He had a large tumor on his neck and an ear infection.  We were told he was about ten years old and had been found wandering on the road.   He was matted and dirty and needed help which our rescue gave him.  He had surgery to remove the tumor (benign!!) and he was such a sweet boy.
 He was adopted and I just have to say how highly I think of people who will adopt an older Peke.   I love the seniors.  My house is full of them-- all 11 and up.  When people adopt a senior, they give that Peke a way to have the final years of their lives filled with love and care.   Those adopters are heroes to me.  Albert's mom is one of them.
So is Oreo's mom.   I realized that Albert's mom and Oreo's mom are friends.  I know them on facebook. Oreo's mom said that Albert's mom has brightened her life.  Oreo is another one of those special Pekes-- his past life was bad, he became blind, but he is living a life of being cherished now.
I think Albert shows what a cherished Peke looks like!  He is doing well, and is so loved-- yes, he's older.  Seniors aren't as active, they may not have as many years to give you-- but those years will be filled with love for their owners.   I love those who will adopt a senior!!