Friday, August 31, 2018


 My sweet friend, Melinda, emailed me to tell me that Coco had passed away.
 Coco was such a beautiful little girl and I know so many of you enjoyed Melinda's comments on the blog as "Lady Jicky."
Coco had been a breeder's dog before Melinda got her, and Coco's life changed to one of love and comfort.
She was small and adored her mom and dad.
Coco used to tell me all about her adventures living in Australia.   She even emailed me pictures of her mom's paintings (her mom is amazing) and her home. 
She loved being in her yard with the flowers (always with her mom there, too).
Her eyes spoke volumes to us in just a photo.
Australia can be cold in our summer, their winter, and she loved snuggling in her blankets.
 Coco must have known I'm not much of a cook, so she thought she would give me ideas.  She even showed me her cookbook.
Coco had kidney issues, but her heart is what took her away.  One day, her breathing changed, and she went into congestive heart failure.  There was nothing that could be done.
I'm sure this photo will be cherished by her mom.  My heart is broken for her.  Coco was a beautiful girl, and had a huge place in her mom's heart-- and all of ours, too.  My love to Melinda, my sweet friend.  💜


 Gus is living the life in New York City. 
 When he came to us, he was such a mess, and just miserable, but still the sweetest boy.
Susan fell in love with him and he joined her home four years ago today.
 He is loved beyond measure.
 He has everything he needs and even takes trips on the train with his mom down to N. Virginia.  Amazing.
 He is comfortable walking in the city he has come to know so well.
He can totally melt into his mom's arms.  His 12th birthday is September 22.   How time flies!  Happy Adoptaversary sweet Gus!!

Thursday, August 30, 2018


Oh my goodness-- you all did it again.  I asked for pictures and you gave PICTURES!!   I love it!
 Kai Kai said, "My mom thinks I'm the very best.  She loves me the MOST.  She said I am her heart dog-- I don't know what that really means, but I sure am special.   So, she is starting this blog off with ME!"
 "I don't have eyes, but I still have a sense of humor.  She put this helmet on me."  I was just fine with that. 
 Freddie gets all kind of outfits.  I bet he has his own closet!
 Gayle posts a lot of pictures of her dogs dressed up.  They make me smile just about every day.
 Gayle's tough boy!
 And her girl-- oh, the humiliation.
 Gayle's prisoner!  AWE.
 Birthday celebrations were part of the hat pictures, too.
Granger heard about the hat photos and had to think about it first.
 And then he said, "okay."   Can you see the joy in his face?
He is exuding happiness-- NOT.
 Christmas hats were another theme.  Madeline Grace posed for several.
 Oh, your braids!
 Mickey looks a bit disgruntled with his Santa hat.
 and Harvey must have gone to the same hat store LOL.
 Jake did, too! 
 Lori sent me pics of some of hers. 
 Birthday hats again.
 Magnolia looks great-- are you a cowgirl!
 Oh, Allie, you are so cute.
 Several years ago, we did photos at the picnic.   Monk, Polly and Nippy all posed together.
 Nicky did his best Cowboy pose.
 Oreo had to think about whether he wanted to be a cowboy...
 I guess he did!
 Rhonda's boy was patriotic.
 Rocky braved the elements to pose at our picnic.   Well, it was a nice day-- but he was still brave LOL.
 Sophie loves hats.
 Santa hats are a favorite.
 But, the hoodie is adorable!  It's kind of a hat. 
 She loves to celebrate every holiday.
 Sunny tried to stay warm-- for some reason, this picture just entrances me. 
 Ollie  found out he was going to play golf--thrilled, I can see!
He is a great dressed Peke-- aren't they all!  💙