Friday, November 30, 2018


Puddle Bug  
 Puddle Bug came into rescue in October and was on medical hold due to kennel cough.  That's what happens sometimes when we get a shelter dog. 
 He is the sweetest boy. 
 He loves to cuddle.
 Some dogs don't know what toys are when we get them, but he's figuring it out.
 He does great with other dogs, too.   He's sharing one of his foster mom, Jackie's, special blankets.
 He has the sweetest face and he's only about 1 1/2 years old.
Who could resist this face!

Thursday, November 29, 2018


 To me, Christmas is so magical.  Not only is it a day of belief for me, but it evokes so many wonderful memories.   For me, having had Pekingese for most of my life, I remember so many.  I even have stockings in my stocking basket for many I have loved. 
 So many sweet Pekes-- Sweet Pea, Scooterbug, Lexie, Cranberry, Kubie, Coach, Coffeecake, Stormy and Bright Eyes (my Keeshaunds).....
 Amy's sweet Pekes, Lulu Belle and Theodore have their Christmas sweaters on. 
 Bruce is making Christmas wishes by his tree.
 Ellie posed under the tree at her foster home.  (She just had a dental today and lost 9 teeth, wow.  She will be pampered a lot this week!)
 Sweet Sydnie (foster, but a pending adoption) loves the Christmas at her home.  I did a blog on all the decorations there.  (Must Love Pekes: OUR HOLIDAY PEKE MEETING)
 Nala is trying on Christmas sweaters-- this one is a little tight.  I have others.  Of course, I do.

Keep sharing your Peke (and other pets!) Christmas photos.   We love them!

Wednesday, November 28, 2018


 It's that time of year-- we want to see your Christmas pictures of your pups.  I tried to get Nala in a Christmas pose, but.... I put a fence around the Christmas tree-- but it didn't stop Nala from exploring. 
 Kai Kai said, "Bring out the Christmas pillows!"
 Granger was pretending to be Puppy Claus.
 And Max said the Christmas tree made a great scratching spot.
 Really, Max?
 It's time to get out treasured stories and read them-- there WERE grandchildren listening, too.  But, Nala totally loved the story time.  (This is a book I had as a child, and it's been read to all my grandchildren-- and a few Pekes!)
 Melinda sent me koalas and three of them are on the tree-- a nod to my sweet Australian friend.  (She is very concerned about what Yum Yum is going to do to her Christmas tree! 😃) 
 I have some Joy ornaments, which reminds me of my friend, Joy, whose whole house is Christmas-- there will be a blog on that along with her PVPC Pekes Ollie and Buffy!
 This ornament is of me with my girls was from 1985!  I love the memory ornaments.
 My Christmas star is up.  Oh, the memories it brings.   My heart is full.
 I loved this picture from last year of Sugar Bit-- now on to create new wonderful memories and pictures that bring joy.
 I love having grandchildren to bring out a child-like magic.
 There will be more night time pictures of peeking into the house.
 Granger's house looks like a Christmas explosion, and so does ours.  As everything comes out, it gets chaotic before the order of Christmas sets in.  (Order?  Who am I kidding!?)
 Chumley is getting himself ready to pose for Christmas pictures.   I looked over last year's photo and it brought joy and a little sadness because too many are gone now.  But, Starlight and Floyd, Pi and BeeBee would want us to have a GREAT Christmas.
Kai Kai said, "Bring out the Christmas afghans and blankets.  I'm ready!"  Are you?

Tuesday, November 27, 2018


 Each year I post a blog on the Christmas snow I make-- my mom made it, my grandmother made it, sometimes, my daughters make it.    Kai Kai was outside in the snow last year, but we have INSIDE snow!
 I hang all the ornaments on the tree-- old ones, new ones.  Most have a memory with them.  I love that.
 First, I shave Ivory soap (it has to be Ivory-- others just don't work) with a cheese grater.  (And don't use liquid ivory-- it will look great, but then in the morning, it will be gone.  Trust me, I tried this one year.)
 Add a little very hot water and beat it with a hand mixer.  When I was a child, we used a hand beater-- and we took turns over and over until it was the right meringue like consistency.
 The limbs of the tree become transformed as the snow is added.
 At night, with just the tree lights on, it looks like snow has fallen on the tree.
 It's easier to use a small spatula to spread it.   If you have a live tree, the branches can be prickly.
 The spatula can also go further into the branches.
 If a little snow gets on the ornaments, no problem.
 They kept working.
 I will probably add a few more layers.
And then, the fence goes up since   I love the snow on the tree.  If you try this, share your pictures with me.

Monday, November 26, 2018


 Domino came into rescue in 2011.  He was born in 2005 according to the information we had on him. 
 He joined a family of Dobermans and Pekingese.  They all got along fine-- big dogs thought they were little, the little dogs thought they were big. 
 BG and Domino hung out together.
 And sometimes, they all hung out.  They enjoyed each other's company.
 When Domino came into rescue, he was a nervous wreck-- and we were asked, "What is the most difficult dog you have in rescue right now?"  We said, "Domino."  And his moms adopted him.  They were up for the challenge.  He acted out a lot, hid in laundry baskets, tore up some things-- but their love was constant for him and they were patient as he began to realize he was safe.
 Tori helped Domino become more safe.
 He was able to celebrate many birthdays in his new home.  He found security there and so much love.
 Domino (here with Pop and Beau) developed severe heart and kidney issues.  Everything was done to help him, but over time, he began to lose the battle.
He was with his moms, Kay and Claretta, loved and held as he  left this life.   He joined many Peke siblings and friends, and his Dobie sisters, Trena and Tori.   Run free now, sweet boy.   ðŸ’™