Sunday, June 30, 2019


Happy came into rescue w eyes that were very neglected.  They were so dry that it could make OUR eyes hurt.   He had lubricating drops until he could get to the eye dr.  

He saw the specialist this past week and is on two drops.  Wow. What a difference already.   We think he can see shadows with one eye. He takes heart meds but is doing great.  He is a very happy, very special boy who deserves a great home. He is 7 years and adorable.  He is available for adoption.  ❤️
Happy says happy Sunday!

Saturday, June 29, 2019


Bellamy came into rescue in October.   
He was tiny and a super dog!   He has so much energy and could RUN.
He was adopted, but was returned after his mom had a health diagnosis.  Then, he was adopted again, but it was just not the right home for him.   We want that-- and we take them back when it doesn't work out.  (It's in the contract that they must be returned to us.)
Bellamy wondered, "Is my forever home out there?"
We knew it was-- and it was!
He has a new home now and his foster mom said, "Bellamy has found his people!"
Look at that smile!
Bellamy has settled in quickly and has a new best friend.
Cocoa is adorable.  I knew that perfect home was out there!
Bellamy is HOME!!

Friday, June 28, 2019


If you comment on the blog in anything but English, I will not post it.  Sorry, I only speak English.   I can’t answer questions that are in comments— there is no way to respond except on Facebook or via our email at   I don’t post comments that have any advertising in them.

Thank you to all who read and enjoy and comment.   We all love the Pekes !! ❤️

Here’s Granger to say hi! 


Mizmo has been in rescue for over six weeks.  
 And this little man has had skin issues the entire time 😩. Little pustules were  spreading.
 We had a culture done last week and it kept coming back w no results.  His skin healed some w daily baths— every single day baths.  My hands have no infection on them at all. 🤣.

Finally we got results!!   He had some bacteria and the only medication that would not work was the one he’s been on. SO.. we began a new antibiotic and I can’t wait to see how he does.  Go Mizmo!!❤️❤️

Thursday, June 27, 2019


I've had messages to see how Sir Gizzie is going.   Everyone loves this little guy.
He is doing better!   He is eating puppy food right now with zucchini and chicken in it. 
He wears little shirts to help his skin feel better-- and for some dogs, it just makes them feel more secure.  If any dog needs that security, he does.
More personality is coming out.   He has a bit of a bossy side.  😉  That says he IS doing better.
He loves to curl up for a nap. 
A pillow always helps.  Put your head ON it, Sir Gizzie. 
He enjoys cleaning the glass door-- such a helper.  I'll add this to my list of Peke jobs haha.
He is eating and has a full tummy.  He's licking to make sure he didn't miss anything.  This was a dog who wouldn't eat-- but after his dental and lots of meds, he is doing better.
We kept wondering why he was so sick.   So, the vet sent off a culture and found out he didn't have kennel cough-- he had a virus that was bad, and he was so sick.   The right meds did the trick.
He is still on medical hold, but will be available for adoption soon.   We love Sir Gizzie.  💙

Wednesday, June 26, 2019


Magnolia and Scout saw something in the yard!  WHAT WAS IT?
Scout looked through the gate.  Can you see it?
Magnolia looked through the gate.  IT'S STILL THERE.
Can you see it?   A deer is foraging in the yard- how dare she come into their yard.  The audacity of it.  LOL
Scout and Magnolia run to the front door to get a better look-- but they scared her off.  Don't worry, she will come back and you can protect your home again.  🌝

Tuesday, June 25, 2019


Tucker was rescued almost five years ago!   He is SO happy.
This was his shelter picture....
and I could NOT get those eyes out of my mind and heart.  I knew he was a mix, but I asked the rescue committee if we could help him and they said YES!  The shelter was getting full, and I didn't want him to be a casualty of that.
He has the best life now.   We thought he was about 8 when he came into rescue, so he may be 13-- but it's hard to know their age when we get them from a shelter.
Every time his mom or dad post a picture, it just makes me smile.  I bet it makes you smile, too! 

Monday, June 24, 2019


A Maryland shelter asked if we would take this "Peke mix."   From the front picture, she looked pretty Pekey.
And then, we got her.  HMMM, not so much.
She was nervous in the shelter.  Her owners had turned her in because "we can't have her where we live."   And they didn't know this before?  They only had her for a month, when a friend gave her to them.  We don't know Rosie's history before that.  But, enough is enough.
Time for some stability. 
I think she knows she is safe.
And that face-- definitely some Peke there.  I can see it!  Can't you!  The adorable teeth!
Are you happy?
Her eyes are beautiful.   She is only four years old and 14 pounds-- most of it is hair. 💜
She is looking for her forever home.  We know it's there.   She's a stunner!   We are taking applications for her.   She won't last long!  Go to our web site and fill out an only line application.   Potomac Valley Pekingese Club - Online Application adopt

Sunday, June 23, 2019


We were asked to take in a Peke mix-- the shelter picture made her look mostly Peke, so we agreed.  A day later, we got her and SHE HAS A NOSE!  😲  But, she's cute and only four years old!   See tomorrow's blog on her to find out more.   And Happy Sunday!!

Saturday, June 22, 2019


Ammo was one of our beautiful foster dogs.   His foster parents were Sonia and Joe, long time Peke people  
He was a happy boy and he adored his foster dad, Joe.
He went to his new home in May and has new friends!   BIG friends!
His new mom wanted a sweet one for herself-- but he loves his new dad the best-- isn't that just like a Peke!
 Ammo is the smallest in the pack!   Jethro is the big black Shepherd.  Aren't they all beautiful!
 Oliver is the Bulldog and he and Ammo get along just fine.   Oliver was rescued from a very bad situation but he's beautiful now.
As you can expect, Ammo is in charge-- it's a Peke thing.  😃
He's had a haircut now that it's summer and he's showing it off for us.   He sure has a wonderful forever home now!