Friday, January 31, 2020

Life is sometimes hard...

Magnolia and  Scout wonder where the cold came from.  Brrrrr.
Granger has his coat on but sometimes life is hard and you just have to lay down.
Paddington says life can be tough.  You play and play and get worn out. 
 And then mom takes you to the vet’s groomer and you have to go through baths and trims.  Ohhh
 BG wants to be the only dog.   She rarely wants to be held. She can be cantankerous.    But, the other day she needed a hug.
 Piper had a haircut, too.  But, he has to return to have his bangs trimmed.  I guess he was not finished when I picked them up and they called me to bring him back.   Oh no. 🤣
And Clara.  Life can be tough at time.  All the dressing and undressing and being catered to.   Yes, life is interesting being so cute and tiny.   But, onto another day.  Life is sometimes tough for these pampered pups!

Thursday, January 30, 2020


 Tina is such a sweet girl, and she almost didn't make it out of the shelter 4 1/2 years ago.  She was young-- 2-3 at the time. 
 I was asked to come see her-- and this who I met.
 She was such a nice girl, but...
 She was in such need.
 Her skin was horrible-- but she came to me for love.
 And I just couldn't leave her there.   I suspected she wasn't a full Peke, but when I go to a shelter, and a dog this sweet comes to me for hugs, can I leave them there?  Nope.
 She went to Kay and Claretta's for medical help.  Her eyes began to look bright and her hair began to grow.  And whoops-- she was a mix.  😲💜  I'm so bad. LOL
Her skin healed, her hair grew, her vibrant, joyful personality came out even more.  And her foster moms couldn't let her go.  She changed their home.  She changed the other dogs.  She was happiness in a little body.  She was home.   And these stories of rescue are why we keep going.  "We are rescue."  What a privilege.  ❤️

Wednesday, January 29, 2020


There is a lot going on in Australia.  The fires have been devastating there.  Lives have been lost.  So many animals have perished.   My friend, Melinda lives in Victoria.   She is safe where she is. 
She sent me pictures of Yum Yum helping his dad.
You see, part of the ceiling fell in.
Yum Yum is very concerned. 
Yum Yum was helping cover all the furniture and his dad was up on a ladder.  
There were plastic covers all over the floor.
He’s watching to make sure everything is done correctly.
It’s a messy job.
I wonder how dirty Yum Yum is getting  in the process.  Dust is everywhere! 
I’m sure we will see “after” pictures and Yum Yum will let us know if he approves of everything his dad did.  I know it will all be perfect.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020


Susan sent Clara a Chinese outfit.   Clara is so used to me putting new clothes on her.  (I've never dressed a dog as much as Clara.  Most of it is because she gets cold very easily.)
We took off her sweater and there were the fly-away ears!
She posed for me with the beautiful red outfit on.
It's just stunning.
My little fashion model.  She's so good!   Thank you, Susan!

Monday, January 27, 2020


Cappy came into rescue in 2013 and was thought to be about 8 years old. 
Here he is with his "grandmom" who loved having him sit on her lap.   Cappy had come to us so thin  (under 7 pounds), and with pressure sores on his legs-- he had been neglected and crated too long. 
He was adopted, but returned, and then he went to live with Angela.
Angela adored him and gave him all the love she could.  He trusted her and had finally found his forever home.
He learned he was safe there and could cuddle up and rest.
Cappy developed a heart condition, but still thought he should run around happily. 
Cappy was adorable and lived a happy life with Angela.  He was loved so much. 
He was with his mom as he left this world.   He can now run free with those Pekes that left before him.  💙


Precious Otis came into rescue a few months ago. 
He was wandering the streets of Richmond and wouldn't have lasted much longer.
He went to Lisa's home and had medical care and so much love.
He was old, but sweet and he responded to her care.
He wore his sweater and would roll around with joy.
He would rest his head on his friend's back and nap. 
Otis had a sudden change and was declining rapidly.   It became obvious that we needed to end the suffering and it was done with his foster mom, Lisa, by his side.  We think it was dementia and it was coming on for awhile, but got suddenly much worse.   We let him go with the love that was shown while he was with Lisa.   She loved him as her own-- Run free now, sweet boy. 


A friend posted this picture celebrating the Chinese New Year. 
Maddy, his Peke, is learning all about it.  His ball is close, of course, as he listens.
The Sisters, have Chinese names.  Xiao Mei Mei Lijin D. G. (Daddy's Girl) was Pepper (she has a little white line up her forehead.   Xiao means "little" and Mei Mei means "little sister."  Lijin translates kind of to  "golden child."   And she is the golden child to her Daddy.  💜
 Jin Jin was Idget--
 and Blackie is now Shan Ren or just Ren.   The Sisters were so lucky to be adopted together and have a home with love forever.
 Yes, they are a happy family. 
 Wu's name is a little Chinese.  :-)
 Buffy's name isn't Chinese-- but she a little sweet girl. 
China Doll is her name-- she is a China Peke and so sweet.
 It's the Year of the Rat.   Not my favorite animal.  But...
It's time to celebrate!