Saturday, February 29, 2020


 I asked you all for pictures of your sleeping dogs and you gave them in abundance-- there will be more Sleeping Dogs blogs, so you will have several "doses" of sweet, sleeping dogs.  Paddington likes to curl up on our laps.
 My granddog, Granger, thought the cat tree would be good.   He's kind of squished. 
 Baby likes to sleep curled up, tummy down.
 But, Beth's like both.
 Back down, tummy up shows how relaxed Beth's pups are.
 Another tummy girl!
 Buffy can be content anywhere.
 Here's a close up of Buster.
 And Chase.   We just can't get enough.
 Paula's Cooper-- tongue out!
 and her CJ and Lu (adopted from us) are content on a quilt. 
 CJ and Maxx are curled up together.   Sleeping dogs sometimes like a buddy.
 Elwood prefers a blanket.
 Evie and Gatsby change positions but like to be close.
 Gigi is Shark's sister.
 Jay Jay was adopted from us, too.  He gave his mom "a way to go" which some Pekes can do.  Bless her for not giving up!
 Pretty Penny was one of the Bristol 18.
 My friend, Julie, loves her dogs-- Henry and his friend curl up together.  I used to see them at the vet before they moved.  Adorable!
 Kristi also used to work at my vet but she moved to South Dakota.  WOW, it's cold there!  She has a house full of Danes.  And a pig!   She had adopted a Peke from us and they all got along great.
 and Mr. Goose aka Bruce were adopted from us, too.
 Lootie and Delilah are part of Monica's pack now-- they mom passed away and they are sweet additions to Monica's home.
 and Lucy...
 Maggie and Marshmallow aka Charlie.   Marshmallow made a huge difference in Maggie's life when he joined their family.
 Mojo, I see you!
 Monk, Nippy and Luna were all adopted from us.  They give their mom so much love.
 Mr. Russell Peaches..
 and Mr. Winnie are deep in sleep.
 Phineas joined alumni Puccini.   Puccini loves to have a friend!!   Look at how content he is.
 Pudgie is part of the Peters' pack.
 Redmond Von FuFu and Meeko-- oh these names are wonderful!
 Reggie was just adopted and is doing great in his new home.
 His mom's girl, Allie, passed away last year, but Reggie has helped to heal her heart.
 My friend, Retha, loves her Chins! 
 Francey is one of her older ones at 15 1/2.
 Rocco likes to bury his face in his bed. 
 My cousin's dogs, Sadie and Queen Cabbage-- you have to love this name!
 Schmoo says he doesn't care about pictures.  He just wants to sleep!
 Shark is so relaxed.
 And Sneaky Wu is snuggled up in his sweater.
 Snuffles, Pudgie and Schmoo-- brothers who love each other. :-)
 Stitch like his house bed.
 Suze's crew-- I can't name them all!!  But, where do the human sleep?
Waldo is content-- Sleeping dogs are so cute!! 

Friday, February 28, 2020


In September of 2018, not even a year and a half ago, we received a request to help this little girl.  Her owner had died and she was in the shelter.  She was "on hold" legally, but the family did not claim her, so we were able to get her. 
We were told she was about 8 years old.
She bonded with her foster mom immediately.
She was a beauty. 
I love this picture of her.  She was waiting for a present or SHE was the present-- I think it's both!
She settled right in and her foster mom adopted her. 
Her mom, Amee, wrote this:  "In rescue, when you foster a dog, you never know what the dog has been through and you never know if that foster will choose you.  Sydnie chose me from the very day she came here. Today, she left this world surrounded by all the love I could give her. It was so unexpected and so very hard as she and I had such a special bond. Cancer and seizures in people and dogs suck. I love my vet and that practice for taking such good care of her this morning. Sydnie if my love could have saved you you would have lived forever. I love you sweet girl 💔"
It is NEVER easy to lose one.   But, when you don't see it coming, when it is unexpected, it is shocking and incredibly sad.   Sydnie left surrounded by the love she had since she joined Amee's family.   Run free now, sweet girl.  We are so sorry. 💜
Amee loved her to the end.  ❤️