Friday, January 30, 2009

Top Dog Poisons...

I found a list of the top ten pet poisons and wanted to share those with you. If we avoid even on pet crisis, then I want to do that. But, I'll include some pictures of our foster dogs, too. The picture above is Snuggles, one of our foster Pekes. (
Here's Taffy, a special needs Peke who was just adopted--she's a bundle of joy!!
This is Holly-- she was also adopted. She's a senior Peke who is a real cuddle bug. She's very interested in why I'm taking her picture!
Here is DiDi. She was able to go to the monthly N.Va. Peke meeting with me-- she really thought she was a princess!!

Now here is the list of the pet poisons you want to avoid. I got this information from: Click here: ASPCA: News Alert: January 2, 2009#1

Top 10 Pet Poisons of 2008
With various dangers lurking in corners and cabinets, the home can be a minefield of poisons for our pets. In 2008, the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (APCC) in Urbana, IL, handled more than 140,000 cases of pets exposed to toxic substances, many of which included everyday household products. Don’t leave it up to Fido or Fluffy to keep themselves safe. Below is a list of the top ten pet poisons that affected our furry friends in 2008.
Human Medications For several years, human medications have been number one on the ASPCA’s list of common hazards, and 2008 was no exception. Last year, the ASPCA managed more than 50,000 calls involving prescription and over-the-counter drugs, such as painkillers, cold medications, antidepressants and dietary supplements. Pets often snatch pill vials from counters and nightstands or gobble up medications accidentally dropped on the floor, so it’s essential to keep meds tucked away in hard-to-reach cabinets.
Insecticides In our effort to battle home invasions of unwelcome pests, we often unwittingly put our pets at risk. In 2008, our toxicologists fielded more than 31,000 calls related to insecticides. One of the most common incidents involved the misuse of flea and tick products—such as applying the wrong topical treatment to the wrong species. Thus, it’s always important to talk to your pet’s veterinarian before beginning any flea and tick control program.
People Food People food like grapes, raisins, avocado and certain citrus fruit can seriously harm our furry friends, and accounted for more than 15,000 cases in 2008. One of the worst offenders—chocolate—contains large amounts of methylxanthines, which, if ingested in significant amounts, can cause vomiting, diarrhea, panting, excessive thirst, urination, hyperactivity, and in severe cases, abnormal heart rhythm, tremors and seizures.
Rodenticides Last year, the ASPCA received approximately 8,000 calls about pets who had accidentally ingested rat and mouse poisons. Many baits used to attract rodents contain inactive ingredients that are attractive to pets as well. Depending on the type of rodenticide, ingestions can lead to potentially life-threatening problems for pets, including bleeding, seizures and kidney damage.
Veterinary Medications Even though veterinary medications are intended for pets, they’re often misapplied or improperly dispensed by well-meaning pet parents. In 2008, the ASPCA managed nearly 8,000 cases involving animal-related preparations such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, heartworm preventatives, de-wormers, antibiotics, vaccines and nutritional supplements.
Plants Common houseplants were the subject of nearly 8,000 calls to the Animal Poison Control Center in 2008. Varieties such as azalea, rhododendron, sago palm, lilies, kalanchoe and schefflera are often found in homes and can be harmful to pets. Lilies are especially toxic to cats, and can cause life-threatening kidney failure even in small amounts. Poinsettias and mistletoe are very toxic and can be lethal.
Chemical Hazards In 2008, the Animal Poison Control Center handled approximately 5,500 cases of pet exposure to chemical hazards. A category on the rise, chemical hazards—found in ethylene glycol antifreeze, paint thinner, drain cleaners and pool/spa chemicals—form a substantial danger to pets. Substances in this group can cause gastrointestinal upset, depression, respiratory difficulties and chemical burns.
Household Cleaners Everybody knows that household cleaning supplies can be toxic to adults and children, but few take precautions to protect their pets from common agents such as bleaches, detergents and disinfectants. Last year, the ASPCA received more than 3,200 calls related to household cleaners. These products, when inhaled by our furry friends, can cause serious gastrointestinal distress and irritation to the respiratory tract.
Heavy Metals It’s not too much loud music that constitutes our next pet poison offender. Instead, it’s heavy metals such as lead, zinc and mercury, which accounted for more than 3,000 cases of pet poisonings in 2008. Lead is especially pernicious, and pets are exposed to it through many sources, including consumer products, paint chips, linoleum, and lead dust produced when surfaces in older homes are scraped or sanded.
Fertilizer It may keep your grass green, but certain types of fertilizer can cause problems for outdoor cats and dogs. Last year, the ASPCA fielded more than 2,000 calls related to fertilizer exposure. Prevention is really key to avoiding accidental exposure, but if you suspect your pet has ingested something lawn-side, please contact your veterinarian or the Animal Poison Control Center’s 24-hour hotline at (888) 426-4435.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


This is my Scooterbug. He is my precious boy! He has to take seizure medicine and also thyroid medicine. He is such a sweet boy!

We all need to make sure we have a plan for our pets. I, like other rescue people, go to shelters and we see dogs there whose owners have died. Dogs who have lived a life of care, love and warmth, and are suddenly put into a shelter. I saw an old Corgi the other day-- I was picking up a Peke and it was all I could do NOT to take the Cordi also. But, I am in overload (seven, and no where to put another). I did contact a Corgi rescue and they are in contact now, so the Corgi is fine. But, the owner had no plan in place for her dogs. I can't imagine my dogs going to a shelter-- my husband and girls know how important they are to me and they'll take care of them.
Scooterbug, in the top picture, is my "therapy dog" for the new fosters who come in. He gets along with all of them. Here he is with my Cranberry. I've had both of them since they were puppies.
Here is Scooter with Starlight, my long term foster dog.

If you want to make sure there are plans made for your pets, here is a form you can use. Make sure you have several copies and give one to your vet also. It just makes sense to protect our pets.


Pet Guardianship

In the unfortunate event you s become incapacitated, please name the person(s) who should be contacted to become the guardian and take over the care of your pet(s) until care can be provided as arranged for in other legal documents prepared by you. We urge you to address care of your pet(s) when planning your estate.

Please be sure the named person(s) is/are aware you are appointing them as guardian(s) of your pet(s).

In the event of an emergency, which incapacitates me, I authorize _____________________
to turn my pet(s) over to:



Home Phone:

Cell Phone:

Work Phone:


Pet Owner Date

Friday, January 23, 2009


Click here: PetSmart Press Room The Facts This is a warning-- some dog treats have been added to the list of peanut butter products that could have been tainted with salmonella. Unfortunately they were in the treats that we use from Petsmart.

Monday, January 19, 2009


I told a friend of mine (the proud dad of four wonderful Pekes!) that I liked to look at the snow (not be in it!).
So, he indulged me and sent me pictures of his recent snow. Would I want to be this cold? NO!
Would I enjoy seeing this in person? YES! From INSIDE in front of a roaring fire with a hot cup of coffee!! (my favorite drink)
Charlie's dogs love the snow! Here is beautiful Leila!
She thinks she's a little tank so she just burrows through it like a bear.
Bear (above) and Precious just get out there like little troopers and check it out.
Precious (above) seems rather bored with it all though. Is this Peke attitude? :-)
Tigger, Charlie's blind Peke, loves it, too!!
Do I want it to snow like this in Virginia-- not even!
I'm more for this kind of snow that we got a few years ago in S.E. Virginia-- you know, the snow that looks pretty coming down, covers your deck with a little white stuff, allows the Pekes to still go out and explore (like Cranberry above), but doesn't get in the way or stay too long. That's my kind of snowfall!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Pekes and Bladder Problems

Many Pekingese have bladder problems. They are just unable to process certain minerals and they form crystals and then stones in the bladder. There are foods that can be used to dissolve stones if they are small and new. But, if they are larger, surgery is usually what needs to be done.
This is Max. He came into rescue with a huge stone in his bladder that had to be operated on immediately. He's been on a special diet for four years and is doing great.
Scooterbug is one of my Pekes. He is seven and a half years old and JUST was diagnosed with bladder issues. He had four small stones and is on SD food for a month. This food is not one that a dog can stay on indefinitely, because it is not nutritionally balanced, but it can be used short term to dissolve small stones. His friend, Ricky, also was dianosed with a small stone and he's on the same food! Don't you just love Scooter's hat!!
Cranberry Muffin is also one of mine-- she had a lot of bladder infections and is now on the Waltam's S.O. diet. She's doing great on that. She also gets special prescription treats and has done great. Like many Pekes, she just had a back injury, so she is being limited on moving around so that can heal. She is "my girl", and we are taking good care of her. ;-)
This is Snuggles, my newest foster dog. This picture was taken before her surgery, when she still had 15-20 stones in her bladder. She was in a lot of pain. She is like a new girl now that she has had surgery!! More pictures of her will be coming and you'll be able to see the light in her eyes.
Trinka had a bladder stone that was able to be broken up by a special injection. (You would have to check with your vet on this, because I don't have any information on it.) She is now on a special diet.

If you have a Peke who is "having accidents" be sure to have your vet check to see if there is a bladder infection. If you catch it early, before stones form, you can use antibiotics and diet change-- your Peke will be so glad you caught it early!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Why Did God Make Dogs?

Why did God make dogs?
I don't think it was accidental, so why do you suppose hounds are around?

Recently, I watched an elderly woman trying to recover from a stroke. Her brain was damaged, and her arm was weak, so her therapist brought, of all things, a dog to help out. Instead of completing monotonous drills, the elderly patient threw a bright red Frisbee across the room, and the dog bounced over, picked it up, and brought it back, his eyes begging, "Throw it again, please!" And she did, over and over and over, forgetting that she was actually working quite hard.

What possessed God to make dogs anyway? Certainly there are exceptions, and certainly people can breed dogs to bring out the worst in them, but in general, there is nothing more selfless, loving or patient than a dog. Mistreat it and it comes back to you anyway. Ignore it and it never gives up hope that you will be its friend again. Make it wait days to go play, and it will still be ready. It offers you friendship and companionship and in return asks only for food, water and an occasional scratch behind the ears.

Why would God bother to make such a creature? I suppose that if dogs were like people they would eventually give up on us ... but they never do. A dog's love is almost impossible to destroy, because it's not a love you earn; it's simply a love you are given. In other words, dogs love unconditionally. Unconditional love; unending patience; faithfulness to the very end. Do you suppose, just perhaps, that God made dogs to show us a little something about Himself? Do you think maybe "man's best friend" is really pointing us to the One who is truly our very Best Friend?
Author Unknown
Scooter is my "therapy dog" for the new fosters who come in. He has the sweetest personality and lets them know they are safe here.
This is Pandy, a former foster who now belongs to my daughter. She loved on my mom as she was in her final months of life. Pandy seemed to know my mom needed her special love.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Kubie, one of my first Pekingese

This is Kubie, one of my first Pekingese. I had one in high school (our family's dog) named Princess Ginger Blossom, a tiny 5 pound Peke. But, Kubie was my first Peke after I got married. His name was Kubla Khan of Monterey Bay. We were living there when we got him-- such a regal name for such a little dog. I had a Keeshond at the time, but Kubie was the boss.
Kubie was an adorable puppy!! When I had my daughters, Kubie was not thrilled. He was used to being the baby and didn't take well to being one of the group. My oldest daughter called him, "Kubie, I hated that dog." Of course, she NEVER did anything to irritate him! (Oh, yes she did.)
Kubie was a typical Pekingese, not great with small children, but he was one of the family and my girls learned how to treat dogs. Both are still dog lovers, and both have Pekingese!

Monday, January 5, 2009

A Lap of Pekes

This is my daughter, Molly, and my son in law. They live down the street, so we get to see each other often (I love it!). If you are sitting on the couch, the dogs think it's an invitation to get on your lap-- and Jeremy is no exception. So, three of them piled up on him.
Max (one eye) and Maggie are curled up together, and my Scooterbug is vegging happily. A Peke's life is hard work!!

Friday, January 2, 2009

I Rescued a Human Today and Dodger, Maggie

This is Maggie (of the Maggie/Max pair I am fostering). She was bored when we were opening presents on Christmas Day, so she just got up on the dining room table! Thank goodness, it was NOT set with the china and crystal yet! She just stood there, waited for me to see her to rescue her. Of course, I had to get pictures first. :-)
This is Dodger, a 12 year old Peke owned by Shelley-- he is so happy sittiing under the Christmas tree. We just had to share his picture.

Click here: I Rescued A Human Today by Janine Allen Rescue Me Dog

Her eyes met mine as she walked down the corridor peering apprehensively into the kennels. I felt her need instantly and knew I had to help her.
I wagged my tail, not too exuberantly, so she wouldn’t be afraid. As she stopped at my kennel I blocked her view from a little accident I had in the back of my cage. I didn’t want her to know that I hadn’t been walked today. Sometimes the overworked shelter keepers get too busy and I didn’t want her to think poorly of them.
As she read my kennel card I hoped that she wouldn’t feel sad about my past. I only have the future to look forward to and want to make a difference in someone’s life.
She got down on her knees and made little kissy sounds at me. I shoved my shoulder and side of my head up against the bars to comfort her. Gentle fingertips caressed my neck; she was desperate for companionship. A tear fell down her cheek and I raised my paw to assure her that all would be well.
Soon my kennel door opened and her smile was so bright that I instantly jumped into her arms.
I would promise to keep her safe.I would promise to always be by her side.I would promise to do everything I could to see that radiant smile and sparkle in her eyes.
I was so fortunate that she came down my corridor. So many more are out there who haven’t walked the corridors. So many more to be saved. At least I could save one.
I rescued a human today.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


All the Pekes at my house and in our rescue group wish you a Happy New Year!!

Cranberry in the snow (a few years ago). No snow yet this year!


Dog Food Warning: Click here: News and Announcements

December 15, 2008Solid Gold Voluntary Product Withdrawal - Turkey, Ocean Fish, Carrot, & Sweet Potatoes FormulaTurkey, Ocean Fish, Carrot, & Sweet Potatoes Formula Canned Dog Food13.2 ozCans – POP-TOP CANS ONLY WITH A 'USE BY DATE 01/02/2010' located on the bottom of canA limited production of this Turkey canned food was made with the POP-TOP, and none of the product was distributed in any of the following states:Arizona, California, Nevada, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Hawaii, or Alaska.Solid Gold has received several complaints regarding mold found in a batch of 13.2 oz canned Turkey, Ocean Fish, Carrot, & Sweet Potatoes Formula, with Pop-Tops. As a precautionary measure, they ask that you return any of this product with the 'Use By Date 01/02/2010'; you will find these numbers on the bottom of the cans.* 13.2 oz Turkey and Ocean Fish Canned Dog Food.* Purple label with a POP –TOP (Pull top) only..* Date on bottom of can 01/02/2010* Turkey and Ocean Fish cans without a Pop-Top are not affected.