Saturday, January 10, 2009

Why Did God Make Dogs?

Why did God make dogs?
I don't think it was accidental, so why do you suppose hounds are around?

Recently, I watched an elderly woman trying to recover from a stroke. Her brain was damaged, and her arm was weak, so her therapist brought, of all things, a dog to help out. Instead of completing monotonous drills, the elderly patient threw a bright red Frisbee across the room, and the dog bounced over, picked it up, and brought it back, his eyes begging, "Throw it again, please!" And she did, over and over and over, forgetting that she was actually working quite hard.

What possessed God to make dogs anyway? Certainly there are exceptions, and certainly people can breed dogs to bring out the worst in them, but in general, there is nothing more selfless, loving or patient than a dog. Mistreat it and it comes back to you anyway. Ignore it and it never gives up hope that you will be its friend again. Make it wait days to go play, and it will still be ready. It offers you friendship and companionship and in return asks only for food, water and an occasional scratch behind the ears.

Why would God bother to make such a creature? I suppose that if dogs were like people they would eventually give up on us ... but they never do. A dog's love is almost impossible to destroy, because it's not a love you earn; it's simply a love you are given. In other words, dogs love unconditionally. Unconditional love; unending patience; faithfulness to the very end. Do you suppose, just perhaps, that God made dogs to show us a little something about Himself? Do you think maybe "man's best friend" is really pointing us to the One who is truly our very Best Friend?
Author Unknown
Scooter is my "therapy dog" for the new fosters who come in. He has the sweetest personality and lets them know they are safe here.
This is Pandy, a former foster who now belongs to my daughter. She loved on my mom as she was in her final months of life. Pandy seemed to know my mom needed her special love.

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