Monday, February 2, 2009


When you're a foster parent for these precious Pekes, you get to see a lot of beautiful dogs! Starlight, above, is one of the prettiest I've ever seen. She is very compact, and reminds me of a little dumpling! She was in foster care almost a year, and because of her "personality", she was not adopted. With us, you couldn't find a sweeter dog, but she just takes time to trust people. I guess she is here to stay.
This is Peke-a-Boo, our senior foster dog. She likes to have that wind-blown look. She is a little cuddly sweetheart. She enjoys the other dogs in her home. She just wants a place to live out her senior years. (Peke-A-Boo has an adoption pending!!)
This is Max- I love Max. He's part of the "twins" Max and Maggie. Look at his face!!
Starlight is a huge helper-- she was cooking dinner with me. Yep, I have things all over when I'm cooking-- wish I could get her to do the dishes!
Here she is again. Can you tell I take a lot of pictures of her! She is on the lap of a friend of mine. If you let Starlight CHOOSE you, she does fine. But, dont' reach out to her-- she is very handshy until she knows you won't hurt her.
Clarence has a beautiful mask. He was a short-term foster dog here, but then moved to a friend's home who fostered him. He's never left-- she fell in love with him, and adopted him.
Whoops, how did this get in there?? :-) Talk about beautiful!! These are my granddaughters. The lights of my life! Uh-oh, another one slipped in! This is my todder grandbaby (same as above picture). She is a "Moppy's girl". (That's my grandma name.)
Charley (aka Freckles) is another beauty. He has been adopted and now lives near Williamsburg, VA. He loves his new home!!
Jasper is still waiting for the right home. He can be protective of his food and toys-- but so can many of them. We just have to find the right fit for him. He's a beauty, too!
Last, but not the least, is Jack. He is out new member, Tamika's dog. He is really gorgeous! I had the pleasure of meeting Tamika at the Peke meeting in January.
Send pictures to of your beautiful dogs!! I'd love to post them. If you are interested in being a foster parent for our group, and live in the Va./Md. area, please email me and I'll give you more information.

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