Saturday, February 14, 2009


We want to wish you a Happy Valentine's Day!! All the dogs who have been adopted are having a special day with their new families. We have some who are still waiting, but their foster families will give them a wonderful day also. Here are some pictures to make you smile and to thank you for loving these precious dogs!

I also wanted to add the following to our "dictionary" that I posted a few days ago. This is from Willie Wonton in New York. "no" = a meaningless sound that our owners make, has no translation into "Pekingese". This strange sound is usually accompanied by shaking of the head. Humans are strange creatures with a bizarre language!

This is Cooper and Dexter-- two former PVPC dogs (Potomac Valley Pekingese Club, rescue). They are becoming wonderful friends! And Cooper is going to be going into training to learn how to be hearing service dog for his owner who is hearing impaired. We can't wait to find out more about this new venture in his life!
This is Jelly Belly-- Cooper and Dexter's sibling. She assists her owner when she hears a sound and will be helping Cooper learn his new job.
This is Pearl AFTER she was completely shaved down (more on her in another post). She is the happiest girl. One of our members paid to have her DNA tested-- so she is our first DNA dog! We knew she wasn't full Peke, and found out she is half Peke and half Llasa. It was just fun to do. Pearl does have a heart murmur, but she is going to live with her daughter, Taffy (now Maggie). We are so glad they are going to be back together!!
This is Leo, the Lab. He belongs to my daughter. He was on his last day in animal control when we rescued him out of there. He is playing with two of my former foster dogs, Weezie and Jinji. Scooterbug, my Peke, is at the top of the picture (he's the one who just had bladder surgery).
And here is sweet Oliver with his new family-- Cuddles in front and Snuggles, his best pal, on the right. It looks like they were just waiting to jump off the chair!! Oliver waited a long time for his forever home, and he is so loved there.
Thank you to all of you who have adopted from us, who give our rescue dogs the love they deserve. HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!

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