Sunday, March 15, 2009

Oliver, Watching for the School Bus

Oliver and his friends enjoy sitting on top of the couch and looking out the window. Here they are watching for the school bus. They know their buddy Andrew will get off the bus and come to see them.
Oliver just had a bath-- see the towel. He was blown dry-- something he does NOT like! He hates that evil hair dryer!!
And here are his two best friends-- they love to pose for the camera. Funny how some dogs will just turn at that moment you're about to get the best photo of them. And some dogs will just sit, ready for any permanent reminder of how beautiful they are. :-)
After a busy play time, it's time to rest with a special toy. The couch, of course, is the best place to take a snooze.
Oliver's mom said, "Thank you for Oliver he is such a joy. He is giving us real kisses not just air kisses so he must be happy he is here. " We're happy that he's there!

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