Monday, April 13, 2009

Gracie at Easter

Gracie received Easter presents from her New York friends, Willie and Suzy!!!
And Gracie wrote me an email to tell me about it. I know you all are aware that Pekingese can send emails!!
Hi Linda it's me, Gracie and I got a present today from Willy and Suzy, all the way from New York. I don't know where that is. Do you? My Mom said it is far away from here. I got an Easter card for a special girl and it had my name on it and I got a yellow duck and a package of treats and the mail man brought it. Isn't that fun???
My Mom said that I could write them a thank you but I wanted to tell you first because you put me and my Mom together almost a year ago.
I sent Wilson one of my treats cause he's a good friend and I may give Bodie one cause he's at his Grandmother's while his Mom is in Florida on Spring Break. That's what my Mom said. I don't know what Spring Break is or where Florida is but I am glad Bodie is here. We play. I hope that Starlight, Scooter, Cranberry, Max and Maggie all have a fun time at Easter and that you and Matt have a really special day. My Mom said tell Matt that she is so pleased that his Daddy is better.
Gotta go somebody is walking down the street and I had better go check.
Love and slobbery kisses


  1. Dear Lovely Gracie - We hope you had a wonderful Easter with your mom! We were so happy to see your pretty photos -- and you are such a sweet girl for sharing your treats with your friends!

    Hugs & Peke Kisses from your friends -- Willy Wonton and Suzy Q

  2. The Wonton's are just wonderful friends to send such lovely presents to their Peke pal Gracie :)
