Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Mr. Happy

Mr. Happy was a puppy mill dog. He was rescued last fall from a West Virginia puppy mill. He was partially paralyzed, and walked in circles.
He had surgery and and had a wonderful foster home with some other dogs -- Butler, Cracker Jack, Jelly and Peanut. His foster dad did all he could to take care of him.
Mr. Happy is now adopted and known as Trigger or Trig. And guess who adopted him! His foster dad. After all the months he was with him, his foster dad just couldn't let him go.

Mr. Happy had surgery to help his back-- and now he runs and plays with his friends. This is truly the story of a miracle rescue. And this story is a representation of why we do rescue-- and of the love we give and receive back from these precious dogs.

The video is of him when he was first rescued, and his story is below on the link on the Best Friend's web site.


  1. This story is so heart warming! Makes me proud to have rescued my Yoshi Bear, and to have been involved with rescuing Chloe. I'm sure that both came from questionable kennels--possibly puppy mills. I tell everyone I know to rescue their next pet! They give back so much!!

  2. Happy sure had a happy ending... :)

  3. for some darn reason my computer will not let me see the video but... what a lovely ending for Mr Happy!
    It must be so difficult to be a carer and see the pekes go - especially one that really tugs at your heart - like Mr Happy.
    Please send them both my wishes for a long and "Happy" life together!

  4. Hooray for the Peke-daddy and hooray for Mr. Happy! He is one lucky, lucky Peke to have found such a loving home. And what a great smile he has! :-)
