Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Farewell to Toast

We want to say good-bye to sweet Toast. Her family made a video as a tribute to her and I want to share it with all of you. Their tribute to Toaster:
She was rescued from a puppy mill and lived her life with Cate, one of my adopter's daughters.
Toast had a good life with her family. She had a lot of Pekingese friends.
She protected them, she loved them, she was beautiful.
She was a faithful companion to her mom. She lived in a family that loves Pekingese.
Her little tongue hung out of her mouth, but that just made her cuter.

Toast gave her mom a big kiss before she died. This will forever be a loving memory -- they are convinced she was saying "Thank You."
Farewell Toast-- you are missed. And you will never be forgotten.


  1. Oh my goodness, I cried my eyes out, Linda. What a sweetheart Toast was. I'm so glad she was rescued and had the chance at feeling loved.

  2. I was crying too Karin. I was so happy Toast got to live a happy life and send my best wishes to her family.

  3. Oh my.....how could there be a dry eye after seeing this video???? What a sweet thing to do for Toast. You sure can tell Toast was loved deeply by her family. Thanks for sharing this and loving her so.
