Saturday, June 13, 2009

Shark's Peke Family

Remember Shark-- the happy boy who lives with his family and kids now?
His family sent me pictures from the family album. They have had Pekes a long time.
These are Shark's "grandparents" pekes, Won Toi and Wei Tei, checking out what's going on outside. That window was installed especially so the dogs could see out! :-)
This is Richie, one of his parents' Peke and you can see all the blankets on the couch. Just like at my house!
Here's Katie and Richie when they were young pups (doesn't Richie look a lot like Shark?)
These two are of his grandparents' peke, Chang Toi. Chang is checking out Jacob when he was a baby (he's 3 now!). And Shark loves Jacob!
No matter how old the Peke pictures are, they are wonderful to look at!


  1. I can tell Shark's family really loves him a lot! I think all us doggie people think alike ~ but even I haven't thought of installing a "special" window to make it easier for them to look out of ~ it's great!

  2. Its lovely to see peoples photos of their pekes , especially in the past pekes .
    Now , I have not installed a window to looky look out of for my doggies but.....
    I do have portraits of my dogs in pastel that I have done , on my walls!! LOL

    I LOVE that photo of the two on the bamboo seat - looks so good - like a shot for a postcard!!
