Friday, July 10, 2009


Chance Goes Home!
Remember Chance! He's the dog with the windblown look. :-)
He likes to be CLOSE!! Watch out, it's easy to trip on him.
I told him he was going to his new home. "REALLY?" he said.
So, off we went, down the road to North Carolina to meet his new mom.
And a little more.
Chance is so good in the car. He found a spot to rest and just waited patiently for us to arrive where his new mom was meeting me.
And here she is! Chance is getting a good look at her. Cherry is a wonderful dog owner! They are her kids and are treated that way.
And here I am-- one last hug. That's the part of fostering that is hard-- letting them go. But, I know I can't keep them all, and so I do let them go. And that way, I can help another.
And here is Chance in Cherry's car-- ready to go to his new home!
And there they go!
I love you Chance! Have a wonderful life!!!


  1. Love that windblown picture!! Looks like Chance is going to have a great home. He sure is cute!

  2. Chance didn't take long to become 'one' of us. He's so loving and has, oh, such beautiful flowing hair. He's a real joy and I'm so blessed that he's a big part of my life now.

  3. aww what a sweet ending!!! How lucky for both Chance and Cherry!

  4. I am so happy Chance has found a wonderful home . Oh gosh, it must be so hard to give them up Linda but , like you say, you cannot have them all. Chance is a special guy.
    Give him a big Aussie hug from me Cherry!

  5. It seems like Chance got a second chance at love.

    God Bless Him.

  6. Such a happy ending for a great little guy. I had the honor of having Chance stay with us for a couple of weeks. He is such a loving little peke. I'm glad to have meet him and thrilled he is now with his new forever Mom.
