Monday, July 27, 2009

Joshua and Benny, and Cocoa/Jimmy--Look Alikes!

I sometimes get dogs into rescue, who are not related, and who look like they could be!!!
These two are Joshua-- he was my foster dog last summer. Look at this face, study his features. Then, look at the next two dogs!
And here is Benny!
Other than missing one eye, he looks like he could be Joshua's little brother! Joshua is over 20 pounds, and Benny is only 12 pounds-- but he is so cute and sweet. Just like Joshie!
And here is Coccoa, aka Jimmy.
Jimmy is now Joshua's brother. Look at these faces-- they are all so adorable!
They could be triplets!! But, someone, I don't think Joshua and Jimmy's parents are going to have three-- two arms, two leash, two dogs-- that's a good number. :-) (And easier to walk than the five I have here!!)


  1. Oh my, they do look all alike!!!

  2. I really like the cream with darker face coloration ~ very cute.
