Friday, July 31, 2009


We just returned from vacation. We went to Missouri to see my husband's family. We had a GREAT time!!!

But, we had to leave the dogs home-- with an incredible house/pet sitter. Max and Maggie weren't too thrilled. They missed us!
Scooter is a mama's boy-- he was not happy to be left.
And Cranberry didn't like it much either.
We did take Starlight to my daughter's home-- the FARM-- to stay with her. You'll see more on that tomorrow.
We spent most of the time at Matt's parents' home-- and they had a new Dachshund puppy there. Max is three months old-- so I did have a dog to play with!
One day we went to their condo on Lake of the Ozarks-- it's gorgeous there! This is the view.
And my husband has a GREAT time on the Sea-doo with our nephew. Two kids on one Sea-doo!!
Max, the puppy, liked to hide out in the closet when he was played out.
And his sister's dog, Miracle, was there, too. Miracle was saved as a puppy from a ditch. He was in horrible condition, with a low chance of survival. He has mange and multiple health issues. Now he is a healthy, 100 pounder!

We did have to come home though-- I couldn't help but see the Pet Walk signs at the rest areas on the way home.
I didn't have a pet to walk!
When we got to West Virginia, we were over half way home.
The views are stunning! It was drizzling, and misty, and fog laid over the mountains. It was beautiful.
I kept opening the window to take pictures-- I couldn't help it!
And then we crossed the Virginia line.
And I took more pictures-- I love the mountains! And when it's foggy, there is a quiet beauty there.
Then, we arrived at the Farm. When Starlight saw us, she was beyond excited! And she got into the van before we were ready to leave.
And she would not get out!
She was ready to go home! We had a great vacation, but we were glad to be going home, too.
Have you had a vacation this summer? (I know it's winter in Australia, Melinda!)


  1. Oh Linda it looked like you and hubby had a great time - even some "on loan" doggies too! Very beautiful country and that lake!
    Mind you , I did see some very sour faces of the peke origin! Never mind, does them good to see how lucky they are. What is it ? Mmm, yes, "absence makes the heart grow fonder" and all that.
    Still winter but.... I am off to Sydney for 5 days this coming Thursday with my Mum, daughter and little grandson for a break. We love Sydney!
    There will be some sour faces at my home too I guess. LOL
    Looking forward to the "on the farm" stories.

  2. What a beautiful view and Lake, looks like you had a wonderful vacation. I think that Starlight is absolutley precious and that picture in the van says it all. It's like you can read her mind "Ok, I am ready so what are we waiting for??" It was nice for a time but I want MY HOUSE now. She also looks like she is the queen of the castle. All the other dogs look so sweet too, I bet they were just so happy to see you.

  3. Lovely pictures. It's always good to get away and spend time with family and it's a good feeling to be back home too.
    I love the picture of Starlight in the van ~ too funny.
