Saturday, August 22, 2009


Remember Betsy? She was so excited a few weeks ago to be on the way to her foster home.

She loved rolling in the grass, something she'd never been able to do before since she was in a crate her whole life. Betsy had never been inside a home, never used stairs. We didn't know if she COULD do stairs. Well, now we know Her foster mom was upstairs when she heard a sound at her bedroom door. Betsy had made it up to the top of the stairs.......She wanted to be part of the family too. Isn't that cute!? How can they be so smart and sooooo sweet after all they have been through. Betsy is amazing.

Betsy heard that Darby liked to roll around, so she sent more pictures of rolling around in her new bed. Oh, this is so much better than living in a crate in the woods with bad food. Life is so wonderful now! Betsy has discovered what playing is all about, too. Her foster mom wrote me this. "Campbell, Jill, DiDi, Hanna, and Betsy were all playing together and running after one another. I just stood there and watched with this huge smile on my face.......It just made me feel so good to see all of them playing at once together. Then Jill took off and they all ran after her. It made my day just to see Betsy play with other dogs......This is what fostering is all about....."

Betsy has had several baths and she smells so much better! The vet said her foster mom should start making her poached eggs a couple times a week. He said it would do wonders for her skin and coat. And if Betsy needs it, she gets it!

Betsy may need some surgery to help her to breathe better. If you would like to donate to help with this surgery, please email me or send a donation to our treasurer: Dian Thomas, Potomac Valley Pekingese Club, P.O. Box 220952, Chantilly, VA 20153-0952 . Any amount will help this sweet girl get the help she needs. It is only because of donations that we are able to do the work we do since all of us are volunteers. (I know you thought we got paid, didn't you! :-) )


  1. What an amazing little peke Betsy is!

  2. And what an amazing foster mom and dad she has, too!! She's in Richmond with Jeanne and has come so far. It's really incredible how these dogs can rebound with love!

  3. Yes, she's definitely in the perfect place with the perfect people & pekes to help her enjoy life to the fullest! I can see how easily one can get hooked on fostering ~ very rewarding. What kind of surgery will she be having?

  4. I am smiling while I type.

    I can see Betsy and Darby together with a six pack!!! LOL

  5. She has some cough, and it may be from her elongated palate-- but we really do NOT like to do that surgery because it can cause so many problems. Can be dangerous, too. We will see what the vet says when she is rechecked. She may need her eyes done,also. She seems very happy, so we may not do anything but the eyes. She is so precious!
