Tuesday, August 11, 2009


See this little guy! He is under 2 years old, and about 13-14 pounds. His name is Campbell. He was turned into a shelter by his owner-- she made her 14 year old carry him in as she sat in the car. He was on his last day, when one of our reps got him. Since she said she could foster (on top of all the dogs she already has), we were able to take him in as a foster.
He is precious! Beautiful little guy, who keeps his foster mom in sight all the time.
He met Betsy at his new foster home-- there will be a story on Betsy later this week.
There he is sitting by my purse-- I carry purses that will carry everything I need-- I bet I could even get a Pekingese in there!
He's a little unsure-- he's been through a lot. But, he'll be just fine! He's safe now.
He's thinking about wandering around the yard with the rest of the dogs.
Look at that mask-- when I picked him up, he was fine. Not aggressive. He'll be vetted and neutered and then ready for adoption. But, don't forget our other rescue dogs who need a home. AND THANK YOU TO HIS FOSTER MOM WHO WENT TO GET HIM AND CARE FOR HIM!


  1. This guy is adorable!! Did they say why he was turned in to the shelter?

  2. Hi Linda! I have just come back from my holiday in Sydney. We had a great time.
    Isn't Campbell handsome - I do hope he gets a "forever" home real soon.
    I'd take him!

  3. He looks so cute - but a bit sad. I can't believe some people! I'm so glad that there was someone to take him in and foster him. Any chance that I get I pass your rescue info around to anyone I know that is a dog lover!

  4. Oh, he is just precious! Poor little guy.

    Welcome back Melinda!

  5. So glad Campbell is safe now. He looks so sweet and handsome.
