Saturday, August 29, 2009

Diane's Pekes

Diane, who just adopted Campbell, gave me some picturesof her previous Pekes who have crossed the Rainbow Bridge. They were REAL pictures-- not downloads. I even learned to use the scanner on my computer-- aren't you proud of me! :-)
This is Punkin the Mom. She looks a lot like Campbell. She has such a pretty mask.
And this is Punkin's son, Maxxie- I love the little tilt of his head-- He was a beautiful boy with a wonderful temperament.
And here is the trio: Punkin, Megan, and Maxxie. Megan and Maxxie were litter mates to Mom Punkin.
Here are Megan and Maxxie on the couch. Why is it that Pekes love the couch so much. They were so loved by Diane.
Now, doesn't this just look like kids! Maxxie and Megan are up on the coffee table and their mom, Punkin, is probably trying to get them off the coffee table, but they are intent on posing for Diane. I've had dogs on tables before, too!
And here's one last pose of Megan. I don't know why I'm so drawn to the tilting head look. It's just precious-- that's why!
Thanks for sharing Diane! Enjoy your new boy!


  1. I think you are VERY clever to scan photos! I am lucky I can do this! LOL
    Oooooo - what lovely pekes - and on the table too!!!!! Naughty pekes!

  2. Beautiful!
    I really need to learn how to send photos, etc. That's why I don't blog ~ I don't know how :-(

  3. Karin - join the club - that is why I don't blog either!! I need my hubby to help with photos I shoot off to Linda!
    OMG - we would have World War 3 here if I needed him to help me work out blogging!!LOL

  4. My daughter had to set this blog up and teach me how to use it. And now I have so much fun with it!

  5. If I win the lottery - your daughter is flying over to Oz to teach me too! LOL
