Saturday, August 8, 2009


My daughter and one of my granddaughters came to visit. I love it!! (The other granddaughter was in art camp.)
Look at this face! I just kiss her all the time. And she came with her four dogs-- a chocolate lab, a shepherd mix, and two Pekingese. So, we had nine dogs at the house! Now, that's a house full of dogs!!
Starlight has picked a safe spot on the deck. She won't stay there long-- she likes her big pillow in the study. It's in a corner, out of the way. A safe place.
Sweetie-Pi and Lottie survey the yard from the deck.
Maggie just hangs out in the study-- it seems a safe haven from the pack.
There's my grandddaughter! With Maggie and Max in the background. Look at that smile on Max's face-- I love this dog!
Scootie joins them at the bottom of the stairs-- Maggie and Max are there, too.
Lottie and Wicket, my Scooterbug's parents are visiting. Look at Lottie's eyes-- aren't they beautiful.
And there's the granddaughter again! ;-) She's out on the deck, too. Hammock are so much fun! She's waiting for us to push her again.
This is Kallie-- she was rescued from being tied in a back yard where she was given food and water once or twice a week. She is a very sweet, but timid, dog.
Sweet-Pi again on the deck. She looks like she is saying, "What's with all the dogs?! Can I go back to the farm??"
Maggie is in her corner of the deck-- looks like she is squinting at the camera.
Max is on the Pekingese path-way-- looks like he is squinting, too!
And here is Sweetie-Pi, Lottie and Wicket-- Sweetie-Pi really wanted to help me take the picture! She was just wiggling to get down the stairs!

And that's nine dogs-- all at my house. Yes, I vacumned more than usual, but they all got along and we had a GREAT visit!!


  1. Those pictures are great! The expressions on the dogs are so amusing ~ quite a variety of dogs all in the same place. My daughter helps her friend dogsit for an Irish Wolfhound and a 3-legged German Shepherd, which is always a lively time.
    Poor Kallie, I'm so happy your daughter saved her from being nothing more than an afterthought in her previous "home".
    And of course your adorable litle grand-daughter is just too sweet ~ I really enjoyed all the pictures! Have a wonderful weekend, you're off to a great start!

  2. Your grandbaby is just gorgeous! She'll always remember the days spent at granny's house surrounded by pups :)

  3. Thank you! I love my grandgirls!! They are so good with dogs, having been raised with dogs, cats, horses, and now chickens.

    We just got three more in, and found space to put them. Check later this week to see them!
