Tuesday, September 1, 2009


This is an early picture of Chelsea when she came into rescue. She had been part of a back yard breeding situation-- we got three dogs out of there. The breeder said, "If you can catch her, you can have her." She was terrified! But, we got her!
Chelsea is came into rescue missing an eye, heartworm positive, timid, scared. Shanyn, one of our foster moms was ready to help! Shanyn has a gift for these little ones. Of course, I love all our foster moms!! They are the reason we can do the work we do!
This is Penelope, one of Chelsea's new friends. "Lope" as she is called lives with Symba and they are so patient (most of the time) with the foster dogs.
This is Symba-- and this is how he feels sometimes about sharing his mom-- "Do I HAVE TO?"
And her foster mom looks at Chelsea, and says, "Yes, Symba, you have to share." All of our own dogs have to share us. But, they also have new playmate for a time and they learn patience and caring for these little ones who need so much help. Some of our dogs become an integral part of helping the fosters become secure.
Penelope, Symba and Chelsea hang out of the patio/deck. Life is good for Chelsea now.
She loves her buddies. She weighs about 10-12 pounds, and is heartworm free! She has gained confidence all because Shanyn was willing to open her home and heart to help her.
Now Chelsea can hang out on the deck, watch the world, be loved and cared for, eat good food and be free!
She has learned she can be friends with the other dogs.
Even if Symba tries to act like the tough guy. And he is a tough guy-- just check out his blog!Click here: Chuck Norris is afraid of Symba
Chelsea is ready to be adopted. If you ware interested in this sweet girl, email me at haveninhim@aol.com or brev498@aol.com We're both ready to help!

1 comment:

  1. Put Chelsea on a plane.........

    What a sweet lady , I send good family vibes to her Linda!
