Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Daisy and Kenny

When our foster dogs are adopted, sometimes we have the privilege of going to visit them and see how they're doing. This is one of the Perks of being a foster mom/volunteer with our group. We get to know the most wonderful people and they become our friends.
Kenny and Daisy were adopted by a family who live near me in S.E. Virginia.
Kenny's owner had died and he came to us. He was so sweet-- and he was adopted so quickly.
He liked making faces at me. He also wanted to play with his toys with me.
Or just post for pictures. He let me pet him and hold him. What a joy!
Daisy lives there, too. She came to us when her owners didn't have time for her anymore. They didn't even act like they were going to miss this sweet girl. I think some people are just not dog people.
But, who couldn't love this face!!!
Daisy is very shy-- she didn't want me to touch her-- but she was willing to pose for me. I'll take what I can get. :-)
Honest, Daisy-- I won't hurt you. Some of these precious ones just want their mom and dad. And Daisy and Kenny have the best parents now! So, it's okay just to let them pet you.
Now Kenny and Daisy are brother and sister, keep each other company and are best friends.
I love this part of rescue-- to see the happy Pekes they become in their new homes. Thanks for letting me visit!!


  1. They are both so sweet. I don't know how people can just let a sweetie like Daisy go and not feel anything either!
    As for Kenny - oooo, he is a bonza fella!

  2. Daisy and Kenny are the sweetest! I love the "freckles". You are too kind when you say some people aren't dog people when in reality they just don't have a heart ~ sorry if that sounds harsh, but these little guys are all God's creatures and deserve to be treated with love and kindness.
