Friday, September 25, 2009

Estonia Pekes

Anna went on a trip to Estonia-- you'll have to google this to find out where it is. :-) Look at these precious Peke puppies she saw over there.
They're the same everywhere, rolling around on the grass, having fun.
And likes Pekes everywhere, they love posing for pictures.
Here is Anna with Leida Madrus, a lovely Estonian womam and Peke enthusiast! She also met Sirje Lahesoo, who also owns about a half dozen Pekes.
Here is an award winning Peke there. They have an active Pekingese organization there.
Anna got to hold many of the Pekes, which just thrilled her!
And this puppy was cozying right up to Anna. Isn't Anna beautiful!
Here are two saying good-bye to Anna-- maybe she'll get to go back and see them again. Anna wrote up a story about her trip, which we hope to put in a future newsletter. We haven't had a newsletter in a while, because we're reorganizing-- but we hope to get one out soon. And we're going to begin to email them!


  1. There is nothing better than International Peke spotting!!!
    I remember seeing this old man with a tiny peke in Paris - he was dragging that poor peke along. I saw him a few times and named him the "fat parisian with the pull along peke"!!

  2. Oh my gosh those peke puppies are irresistible! It's a good thing I'm not there or I would definitely have to take one home with me! Just so precious and snuggly!

    (I hope you are still receiving your comments.)
