Sunday, October 25, 2009

Anna and Oreo

UPDATE: I just picked up Anna yesterday-- she is in pretty critical condition. I have two appts. scheduled for her-- one with the vet and a second with a surgeon. She is so small and her mouth is so damaged. But, she is able to eat and drink. She is in pain, so I have her on pain meds. I have no idea what happened to her. But, I'll do all I can to help her.
More dogs are coming in all the time-- we have to turn down a lot, because we just don't have anywhere to put them. But, when there is a shelter problem, we do all we can to help. Some who don't normally foster step up to help on a one-time foster. I received an email about a little girl in Baltimore.
She was a stray and needs eye help, jaw help, and possible hernia help. No one would take her. I just got her pictures-- she is said to be so sweet. I'll help!
A wonderful couple who adopted from me is going to try to get her from the shelter and then to me in Maryland. Another long drive-- but she's worth it. I'm calling her Anna.
This is Oreo-- you know why he was named that, RIGHT?? :-) He is very young.
His owner died and the family took him to a shelter--
He's so cute!! I have a foster home ready and waiting to get him.

If you are interested in one of these cuties, email me at If you can't adopt, but would like to help with their medical costs-- which Anna, especially, will need, please send me an email and I'll tell you how you can help. You can also go to our web site and do a donation through paypal. Our web site is:

1 comment:

  1. They are both sweet Linda and I wish them both all the best in the world!
