Thursday, October 22, 2009

Coco, Petersburg Peke

This is Coco. She came from the animal control in Petersburg, VA. There's a GREAT animal control officer there. When Coco was turned in by her family (they couldn't afford her care), we were contacted. Coco is almost 8, and full of joy.
I picked her up on October 19 and we drove back to Virginia Beach. She was content to just rest in the front seat by me.

Or sleep. :-)
We went straight to the vet, and she was very excited to be there. She just wagged her tail so hard, it was hitting her in the face. :-) She wanted to be friends with everyone. This is one nice little girl.
We went into the examining room, and got her all checked out. Her mouth smells pretty bad-- and there was a very bad tooth in there. It was so loose, that when the vet pulled a little, it came right out. No wonder her mouth smelled-- it's already better! She's now on antibiotics and will have a dental next week to clean the rest of her teeth.
Then, we came home. She got to meet the rest of the gang here.
BB/Bianca thought she was wonderful! She wanted to be friends right away.
And Coco didn't mind a bit-- she was not a bit aggressive with any of the dogs. And at the vet, there was a kitten, and she was very interested, so I think she'll be okay with cats, too.
BB is really trying to get close-- I think she has a secret to share.
They all ran up to the deck to go inside. Coco hasn't had any accidents, so I think she'll do fine with going outside. BB is wondering what she's doing. She's just scratching. She had a lot of fleas, but they aren't there now!
And she is so glad-- those little critters are pesky! Look at that smile.
Now, she's talking. And BB is telling her it's time to go inside. Max is at the door already. They love to be out, but they love to be inside, too.
Okay, I'm ready! Let's go! BB is one of our foster dogs, too. Isn't she beautiful. She was a puppy mill raid rescue-- she's not used to being touched, but she's doing better. She needs someone who will give her time and love and a quiet voice. She's only a year old, so she has a whole lifetime of happiness in front of her.

If you are interested in any of our foster dogs, just email me at or visit our web site at:


  1. Great story.....So glad she is with Potomac.....She is so cute.

  2. oh so sweet! thank you for rescuing her!

    that photo where she is sleeping in your car she looks so much like our Peke Toby who passed away in April. We miss him so much!

  3. she is adorable - she is the one I sent you an email about. Just let me know what you think!

  4. Your Peke Toby was adorable-- I know you miss him! I'm so sorry.

  5. Cris, not sure how'd she would be with active kids-- I could try her with my grandgirls, but they are very gentle with dogs-- girls are different than boys. :-)

  6. Coco is such a sweet little pumpkin, so adorable with her little tongue sticking out. She sure is good-natured, isn't she? BB is very pretty too.

  7. linda - thank you! we do miss him so much. We tried everything to save him but the oral cancer was so aggressive.

    I check your blog every day. Soon we hope our hearts will be healed enough be able to adopt another peke.

    thank you for all you do for the pekes!!!

  8. It would be lovely if little BB and Coco are adopted together! They seem to get on so well.

    Claudine Hellmuth - I am sorry to hear of your Toby but ... when the time is right for you - there is nothing like a new little one. They can never replace Toby but... they do sneek into your heart quicker than you think! LOL
