Monday, October 5, 2009


Today is my birthday! So, I'm having a blast with the blog today-- tomorrow we'll get back to Pekingese things. But, for today, I get to do whatever I want on the blog.
I took these pictures of the Firth of Clyde in Scotland. It looks like heaven is just breaking through and I thought it was beautiful.
It was as if a spotlight was shining down on the water.
Here is my favorite meal there. It was a puffy pastry with beef stew inside, mashed potatoes, and FRESH vegetables. There were almost no fast food restaurants there-- we had fresh food and vegetables almost everywhere. DELICIOUS!!
This was the sausage and potatoes--I can't remember the Scottish name for it. If you know, send it on. update: An email friend just wrote me and said this dish is called "Bangers and Mash." Whatever it was, it was good!
I love the Scottish road signs. The Roundabout was a killer for us. "Go right on the roundabout and take your third left." How can you go right??? If you go right, you'll run into someone. You have to go left and around-- not right. I never got used to that! And driving on the wrong side of the road-- constant attention to that please!
The first time I saw a speed limit sign, I had no idea what it was. Just a red circle with a number in it. The speed limits are pretty uniform over there-- 30 in towns, 50 on the main roads, 60-70 on the interstates (or whatever they call them). Sometimes, the sign would just say, "Maintain Normal Speed" so you needed to know what normal was.
"Watch out for Sheep." Love this one.
"Give Way" means yield. Instead of "Come Back Soon" the sign said "Haste Ye Back." And one I loved was "Whit's Your Hurry?" :-)
Click here: Travels in Scotland : Other Sights : Odd Scottish Road Signs
In the house we had there, there was a curtain to pull over the door at night-- gives privacy and keeps the door area insulated. Great idea-- might have to try this here.
I may choose a different color though.
Those who know me know I love purses. I wanted to get a Scottish purse there. I DID. This is by Ness, a Scottish company that makes women's things. The purse is leather and tartan. Holds everything. I've never been know to carry small purses even though I am only 5'1" tall.
And look at this huge purse/satchell. We were in the airport and my husband told me he had some pounds left (the money there). Did I want to spend it? Oh, sure I did! So, I got this. I love the black tartan plaid.
And who could resist tartar readers.
And then I came home-- to Starlight and her buddies, Scooterbug, Cranberry and Max. I have so many wonderful memories of this trip-- I hope to go back. If not, I will always have the memories to visit.
Thank you for allowing me to share my trip to Scotland with you--


  1. Happy birthday!!!!

    I have to say that alot of our road signs here in Australia are just like the Scotland ones!!!
    except we have koala's and kangaroos! True.

    I do love that tartan bag and glasses!!
    I am still waiting for the Loch Ness Monster Linda!!!

  2. ******* HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LINDA! *******

    Those first two pictures of the sky are stunning! The road signs are funny. You have great taste in purses. Was the trip your birthday present? That's what I love about European food ~ it's always FRESH. It might take a little longer to get it but it sure is worth the wait. My husband's birthday is Oct. 8th. Enjoy your day!

  3. Happy Birthday friend.....

    May you have many many more...


  4. Happy Birthday, Mommy! I love you so much and am glad that you are both my mom and my friend.

  5. Have a Wonderful day! And you are sooooo right - it's your DAY! So you can do whatever you want (better check with your sweet pekes first though and get their permission lol)
    Wishing you a great Birthday!

    I love your pics of Scotland- one of my friends who I haven't seen in years is from there and she always said how beautiful it is! Your pictures are gorgeous.

  6. Happy belated birthday my sweet friend!
    I love your purchases and I am extremely happy that you came home safe and had a lovely time :)
    I can't wait to see more pictures of your trip!
    (The food looks d.licious)
