Sunday, November 22, 2009

BB, Maggie and Friends

Remember Maggie? She was one of my foster dogs. She was adopted and is now queen of her home.
Here she is with her crown. It fits her!
She is such a regal dog--
Here she is with her subjects-- Leo, Maxxi, and Trevor. They belong to her mom's daughter.
They have invited BB to come live with them and be their foster dog. BB has been with me a month, but I have too many, so BB is going to stay with them.
I know BB will enjoy the boys there-- she'll learn to run and play with them. She'll become best friends with them like she is with Max here. Maybe Maxxi up there will become her best friend. :-)
She is going to their house after Thanksgiving. Are you ready, BB? I'll miss you, but you'll have so much fun there. Thanks to Maggie and Maxxi and Trevor and Leo for letting her come-- and to their mom!!

1 comment:

  1. Maggie emailed Moi Moi complaining that there is NO red carpet when she goes on a walk with those peasants! LOL
