Sunday, November 8, 2009

Caesar, Shih Tzu

In the puppy mill raid, there were lots of small dogs-- 83 of them! Some were Shih Tzus. This little boy came through our rescue to go to his new home near Charlottesville. Yes, we are Pekingese rescue, but we still helped this little guy.
He is on his journey to his new home. A kind hand reaches out to give him a treat. He hasn't been used to kindness before. He hasn't been used to someone offering him a treat. He was used to being neglected and caged and dirty. Now he is safe, he'll be groomed and cleaned and loved.
Here he is with his new dad. "Really?? Is this my new Dad? Am I safe?" Yes, sweet boy, you are safe.
And you'll be greatly loved.
I think he's already telling his new dad "Thanks."
"And who is that over there? Is that my new mom? I'm excited!" Caesar has already learned to potty by going out the doggie door. He runs in the grass in the fenced yard. He plays with toys and fell asleep with one in his mouth. He has made friends with his Yorkie siblings. His new mom and dad think he is amazing..... And he is!
She is making sure he is really hers!
Yes, he's yours! Look at that sweet embrace. It made my eyes fill up with tears when I saw this. This is what we want for each one of these dogs we have in our care.
"You're safe little man. Your name is Caesar now. Your doggy brother is Brutus. You're going to be best friends. You're part of our family. FOREVER."
UPDATE: I just received this new information on Caesar, He learned to fetch last night. He is soooo smart. You throw his bone on the deck, he runs to retrieve it and brings it back to you to throw again........ What a happy boy!

If you want to find out more about our rescue dogs, please visit or email me at


  1. Kenzo sends a special "hello mate" to caesar - those shih tzu's stick together.
    I am so glad to hear that little Caesar has a kind and happy home!

  2. Caesar is one of the cutest Pekes I have ever seen. We don't care he has Shihtzu in him. It seems like he now has a loving family and will love a long happy life.
