Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Nickie Dickens and Rupert Diesel

Jane has two of the most creative names I've seen. Love it!
This is Rupert Diesel-- Jane was transporting him for us, and during the transport, she fell in love! She had adopted from us before, so we KNEW what a great mom she would be for him. He was a very sick Peke, with heartworms, but he has flourished with good medical treatment for the heartworms, kidney and bladder stones, and allergy issues.
This is Nickie Dickens-- she's a beautiful black and tan Peke with one eye. She was dropped at the vet's with an evulsed eye. The vet called and asked Jane if she would pay for the removal and find someone to take her. She told him to go ahead w/ the surgery and then she'd find a home for her. Jane rushed to the vet's where Nickie was ready for surgery. She was flat on her belly and completely draped w/ the exception of her little white back feet and a terrible evulsed eye. When Jane saw those little feet, she just said, "I love her." There was no question whose dog she would become that day. The eye was easily removed, and she hasn't slowed down once. She didn't require a collar and has had no problem with depth perception, etc. She is the family guard dog she barks to warn her mom of the horrible deer monsters when they come into the yard and when the cats play on "her" porch. She is extremely nosey and wants to supervise everything.
Rupert appears to have been starved for love and wants nothing more than to give it back; there's nothing alpha about this boy. He loves belly rubs, and he pats his mom on the face in the mornings to get her up. How could someone not love this baby. He's crazy over "his" tennis ball and will play and play with it--- he takes it to the top of the stairs, drops it, watches it roll and bounce down, then takes off after it, and goes back to the top of the stairs to repeat the action. One of my Scooterbug's sisters did this-- it was great fun!! Scooter never learned this trick!
Here is their house-- but they're moving to another one. Things are changing and it's time to move! A new adventure is about to begin!
At the end of the day, it's time to rest. Playing is hard work. Good night Nickie Dickens! Hugs to Rupert!


  1. what beautiful pekes! I am so glad they have a wonderful loving home!

  2. Well this is what pekes do --- they sneek into your heart and stay there.
    Happy moving day to the family - remember to pack your toys Nickie Dickens and Rupert Diesel!!!!
