Friday, November 27, 2009


I had to share a blog that my daughter put on HER blog. She adopted Pandy from me six years ago. Pandy is now ten or eleven years old. She somehow got into some poison ivy. I have no idea how since my daughter walks her. Pandy had to go on prednisone because it was so bad and because of this, she gained some weight. Here's what my daughter wrote. :-)

I'm a bad mom.
Pandy, has apparently gained 3 pounds,
Which is about 18% of her body weight.
Poor girl.
She's on a diet.
I wonder if that is why she's had such horrific gas lately?
It will seriously clear you out of a room.
Her gas is the SBD kind (silent, but deadly).
I don't like to call Pandy "fat" because I think that is an ugly word.
She is "pretty plus "...
Hopefully she doesn't get too pretty
or else her legs won't be able to support her.
Poor Pandy--


  1. Pandy is a pretty girl. My 11 yr. old pom gained most of his excess weight while on steroids for his back (too long of a walk) and we have not been able to get the weight off of him. Good luck!

  2. Moi Moi says that Pandy is a "plus size model"!!!

    Moi Moi went to the Vets yesterday and had her allergy injection. The Vet says she may drink more (water I hope) and eat more because of it. So when it comes to Pandy - Moi will have NO teasing ! LOL
