Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Jinji was very excited about Christmas-- she even helped wrap some of the presents.
She is trying to tie the bow on one, but needed her mom's help. Good job, Jinji!
Stitch and Clarence got presents at work! Look at how much they are enjoying these. Their foster mom's friend, Cindy, loves Clarence and Stitch.

Can you see Maddie, a former foster dog? She was in a Christmas parade! She is in the picture below with her family. She wishes everyone a Merry Christmas!

We have so many Pekes that want to wish all of you a wonderful, merry, joyful and blessed Christmas-- here are some of them.

My Cranberry is hoping these gifts are for her!

And Anna is content to just have her bed for Christmas. She'd like a forever home, too!

Arbie and Trio wish you all a Merry Christmas! They LOVED the snow this week in Richmond-- Trio loved hopping around in the snow - she literally had to hop because it was too tall for her otherwise! I love her red bows!

Willie Wonton, Suzy Wonton and their mom and dad wish you all a Merry Christmas!

Missy, one of our foster dogs, wishes all of you a Merry Christmas! She is now a member of the "swashbuckler club" since she had to have her eye removed, but she is doing great!

Here she is with her brother and sister in her foster home. I love the bed line-up!

And here they are-- Missy, Wiley and Lily, all ready for Santa. They've been VERY good this year!

This is Moi Moi and Kenzo from Australia. They don't have snow in Australia-- it's summer there. But, they are enjoying our winter pictures on the blog.

These are some of the comments that our group has received this year from you. THANK YOU-- these are like golden gifts to us, and your comments, support, prayers and donations make our work possible!! Thank you to my foster homes/mom and dads who have made our rescue work possible.

"I wanted to let you know how much I admire what you do. Thanks for taking care of their little souls."

"Thanks for the up-date. YOU GUYS are doing a wonderful job at finding homes for these dear ones, Your labors of LOVE do not go unnoticed" Kathy

"God bless you for your ministry with these little dogs!" Marilyn

THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR COMMENTS AND HELP! We couldn't do it without you! I hope all of you have a blessed day and enjoy the gifts we all have.

"And suddenly, there was with the angel, a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST, AND ON EARTH, PEACE, GOOD WILL TOWARD MEN." Luke 2:13-14


  1. Merry Christmas from Kenzo , Moi Moi and me!

  2. awww anna and all the pekes! I hope Anna is doing OK!!!

    Happy New Year!
