Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Sugar Annie

Check out this video of Stitch, one of our foster dogs, and Clarence, his Peke "brother" (his foster mom's dog). Stitch loves to have a friend! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n08APUKufCg
This is Sugar Annie. She was adopted a few years ago, but her mom sends me pictures to keep me updated on Sugar's adventures. I love getting updates (even though lately I've been slow at getting them on-- sorry!)
Sugar has a favorite turkey toy-- she got this for Thanksgiving and I think she's telling him secrets-- like what she wants for Christmas!
Look at how beautiful she is-- she reminds me of my Cranberry-- you know, The Queen!
Her mom and dad sent us a letter than Sugar wrote to me. I'm going to share it with you. She sent it in November (I know, I'm late! I'm slow! I'm bad!), but hopefully, she'll forgive me and send me Christmas pictures soon. Here's her letter:
Thanks for rescuing me and taking care of me until my forever Mommy and Daddy found me 2 years ago. I am happy here and only a little spoiled (well, maybe alot) and Mommy and Daddy love me so much. I got to eat turkey today too. I ate real turkey, but not Daisy and Harley (the parakeets).I like them but sometimes they get pretty noisy.Sending you some pictures we took today. Will send some Christmas ones in a few weeks. Hope you all had a wonderful day.Mommy & Daddy says hi too.Love, Sugar
I'm so glad you were rescued Sugar! You just needed a chance-- and now you have your own home with a mom and dad who loves you VERY much.

1 comment:

  1. That Sugar Annie is soooo Sweet! That is a great name for a pretty white peke.

    As for those other two on the video - don't they know Santa Peke is watching with his "naughty and nice" note book!
