Thursday, December 31, 2009


They are not the stars
but rather openings
in Heaven
where the love of our
lost ones
pours through and
shines down upon us
to let us know they
are happy.

"A pet leaves permanent imprints of unconditional love and companionship on our hearts and lives. Their passing leaves a void so vast that many fail to understand your grief. A pet is family, friend and companion." Sheila

We had to say goodbye to many this year. We want to honor them, and let others know how much they were loved.

Claudine's Toby-- missed so much
Sasha.. We did all we could for you, but you had a stroke that slowly and finally took your life. Rest, little girl.
Biskit --Your Mom misse you!
Mr. Macho... He was one of our puppy mill rescues-- but he died before he could find a home. He had some loving, free days, clean bed, clean body, and play. We're glad he had that. He certainly deserved it.
Toast -- You are so missed by your mom and dad.
Josie -- You are dearly misses by your whole family.
Pearl Jaden -- She came from a shelter, and we just had to give her a chance. Her new mom did all she could for her, but she died after a few months of kidney failure. She had extensive medical care, but we couldn't fix her. Sometimes, all we can do is love them.
Allie -- Beloved dog of Jeanne's.
Marco (on the left), and Mugs (second to left), sure miss Boscoe and Clifford. Their mom misses them the most though.
Paddington Jackson
Robin's Beethoven
Gracie Davis... You were so beautiful. Now you can breathe easy, sweet girl. Your mom loved you so much. Sandi -- He had a loving life with his family. He was a beautiful boy.
Haley was a young one-- losing her was so difficult for her mom.
Rest in Peace, Sweet Lulubelle. I miss you. But, your family misses you more.
Gloria's Jaden last Christmas.
This is Jeanne's Yorkie on the left. Her name was Lilly Lee. Jeanne got her when she was 2 days old. She bottle fed her after she came from a puppy mill bust. Jeanne said she was a hoot. She lost her early this year when she was 16. She weighed only 5 pounds but thought she was a pitt bull. Jeanne's Penny Anne is in the middle. She died this year also-- it's been a rough year in Jeanne's family. Penny Anne was also a rescue.
"Man's best friend" you hear them say. An understatement, that has to be. I just hope I was there for her As much as she was there for me.


  1. Vale to all the wonderful doggies on your post Linda.

  2. Each and every one of these sweet pups are adorable. 2009 has claimed so many lives. Both of my daughters' young cats had to be euthanized ~ Remy in April, and Jezebelle yesterday, due to Feline Leukemia. The momma cat adopted my oldest daughter and ended up having three kittens shortly thereafter. All three kittens are gone, but mom is alive and well. Such a terrible disease... My girls were advised repeatedly to have them be put to sleep when they tested positive, but they opted to let them live as long as they were symptom free, even though it caused great heart-ache in the end.

    I wish you a Happy New Year, Linda, and I know you and the other fostermoms will save many lives in the coming year!

  3. Thank you so much for remembering Bugzy/Buddy, I only had him a short time and feel that I failed him. I hope and pray there is a rainbow bridge and that I will find Bugzy/Buddy with my other beautiful Peke babies. Maybe then I can make up for all I didn't do for him here....such a sweet little boy...I miss him. Thank you Linda for remember those that we lost and loved so much!

  4. such a sweet tribute to all the wonderful doggies who have touched our lives!

  5. Linda, thank you so much for posting this. I still miss my little girl Gracie so much. I never thought we'd bring home another baby home so soon, but Jeanne has some REALLY strong intentionality to her spirit. :-) Camden is a sweetheart and a real joy.

    I found a book which has been helpful, especially when I get weepy about Gracie. It's called "Saying Goodbye to Your Angel Animals: Finding Comfort after Losing Your Pet" by Linda and Allen Anderson. I hope it helps others as well.

    Have a blessed New Year and thanks for all you do to help these sweet Pekes!
