Sunday, January 31, 2010


Remember Tony? He came from a shelter in Virginia.
He really did not want to be in the shelter. So, we got him.
He was so happy to be in a foster home. He was a little exuberant about taking treats, so that was something we were working on.
Tony liked to collect things to put in his bed.
He would curl up with them and go to sleep. Dog treat, bowls, toys-- nothing was safe from going to his bed.
I told you that dogs in Kim's foster care didn't last long. I was right-- Tony was adopted this week! I need to know her secret!! He was also called Poky (his shelter name), but his new mom renamed him Buddy-- and he likes that the best! We have more-- so if you're interested in adopting, just check out our dogs-- they're all beautiful!

Saturday, January 30, 2010


This is Lacy. She just came to me from a Maryland shelter.
She is only 8 1/2 pounds, and is very serious condition. She has serious skin issues and may have kennel cough. She is obviously in pain, but we are doing all we can to help her.
And why do we help? Look at this face-- who could resist that!
If you would like to help with her medical care, please go to our web site to donate.

Friday, January 29, 2010


I think Shadow is tired from all the holidays and running around. The holidays are busy for Pekingese!
At his family's lake house, he made his own doggy door-- or maybe one of the other dogs did it. It really couldn't have been Shadow.
Sometimes, he just sits there and gazes through at the lake.
He loves going there. He can roam in the leaves. Somehow, even in the winter, we end up with leaves on the grass. And on Shadow's head!
It was on my head???
I'm glad it's off. Leaves on the head ruin my good looks.
I just like laying in the leaves. And having my picture taken, which my human sister likes to do. She's one of my best friends.
I love this pose-- Shadow, you are a handsome boy!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Wicket-- Earning His Keep

This is my grandog, Wicket. You saw him the other day in the "Saga of the Pink Beds" blog. He is the sweetest dog.
Wicket found a bit of sunshine on the floor-- he loves that "warm spot." But, Kallie horned in and blocked the sun! Wicket is just wondering what he should do. Poor Wicket!
I have Wicket's son, Scooterbug, who, like his dad, is so sweet. Scooter is my therapy dog for the new fosters who come here. Wicket loves his new human brother. He will sit near him, protect him, check on him. He is the best dog!
He lives on a farm, and knows how to wait on the deck/porch for his food. All the dogs go outside, and wait while it's being made. The first command is, "ARMY GRUB!" At this point, the dogs just sit. When the command "NAVY CHOW" is given, they all run to their bowls. My dogs won't do that!
Wicket lives on a farm and it's beautiful there-- you can look out the windows and just see beauty.
Wicket has two human sisters that he adores. And he watches out for them and keeps an eye on them. And sometimes, he just sits-- and lets them do his hair. I don't know another Peke who would let his "children" put clips in his hair. My daughter said, "He works hard for his money, I mean his kibble."
Wicket is SUCH a good boy!!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Have you ever had a bad hair day? Of course you have! Our dogs have them, too. This is precious Jill Lee-- aka Jill Boop. Jill isn't a Peke, but she LIVES with Pekes, so that qualifies her for this blog. :-) She is one of Jeanne's dogs. Jeanne does our web site and does an incredible job.
Jill decided to roll all over the bed. And it's winter. And the heat is on. And that means it's drier inside. And when you roll around on the bed, you're going to have some static electricty. Oh yes, we all know about that. And now Jill knows, too!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Ginger-- Farewell Sweet One

This is Ginger. She was one of our foster dogs five years ago. She came to us through a shelter. She had a serious mouth/jaw injury. Her mouth always had a little droop in it, but it gave her a sweet look that just made you want to hug her.
She was adopted and given a wonderful home for five years. This month, Ginger passed away from congestive heart failure. Her mom wrote, "She had been a trooper through it all... all of the vet visits and medications and she battled it for as long as she could, but unfortunately her heart just couldn't keep up anymore. It is very hard for me right now because now that she is no longer with me something is missing and the house just isn't the same without her. But I know she is no longer in pain so that brings some comfort." We know how hard it is to lose a beloved pet-- our hearts go out to Melanie.

We would like to offer our condolences to Melanie on the loss of her beloved Ginger. She was very special and will be greatly missed by her family.

Monday, January 25, 2010


Jeanne is fostering Amy, Cindy and Betty. Here are Amy and Cindy on the deck. Jeanne has the coolest gates up there so it can be closed off. I think her husband, Bill, can do anything. (He's building a room now!) Amy and Cindy are looking at something. What is it?
It must be down on the ground by the steps-- it really seems to have their interest!
They have brought in DiDi-- her one eye will surely help find out what is going on. DIDIDIDIDIDI, what do you see?? (Wow, that rhymes-- totally not intentional!) Cindy is looking THIS way-- and DiDi is helping.
Cindy is looking THAT way now. But, Amy and DiDi are still focused on what's below them.
I think DiDi is trying to slowly back away so they won't notice. Amy and Cindy are so intent they haven't noticed her gradually disappearing from the scene.
Whoops, she's back. DiDi, you weren't fast enough! Just lay there awhile-- you can plan your next getaway.
Looks like DiDi has been replaced-- Now Hanna is helping. And Cindy must be telling her what they're looking for. It's a mystery-- I guess I'll never know what it is.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Sammy was one of our foster dogs in 2008. He went to his new home and has two Pekingese friends there. It was his birthday and he received a HUGE bone! Look at him licking his lips. :-)
He's checking out to see if there's another one somewhere. ;-)
Look at his birthday cupcakes!! Now this is one pampered dog!! Can I have one of those? :-) His mom said he and his brother and sister are all spoiled ROTTEN. He is like a big polar bear after he goes to the doggie spa. He loves to be loved and is a great snuggler.
Sammy is so happy in his home-- Happy Birthday, Sammy!!

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Click here: Click to Give @ The Animal Rescue Site
This is Merit. He is one of our foster dogs from the puppy mill raid. We think he is about five years old and weighs about 13 pounds.
He is a great little dog! He doesn't like strangers at first, but once he warms up, he is very friendly.
He loves to be cuddled and is very palyful. He is doing well on housetraining and also has use of a doggy door which he will use when the others go out.
He has a good appetite, but does not like to other dogs near him when he is eating. This is not abnormal for any Peke, especially once from a mill who probably had to fight for his food. (In my house, we have "dining rooms" for some of the dogs-- Starlight eats in the bathroom, so the others won't bother her.)

If you are interested in adopting him, just got to our web site or email me. We now have on line applications!!! (Thanks, Jeanne and Larry!)

Friday, January 22, 2010

SAGA OF THE PINK BEDS/Animal Rescue Site
I want to encourage all of you to sign up for this site to be reminded to "click for food" each day. After you do that (which gives food to needy dogs), you can click on "don't forget to vote for your favorite shelter". You put in "Potomac Valley Pekingese Club" and "Virginia." We will receive points for each vote we get and they send food and money to the groups that are voted for (not just the winner with the most points). If you buy anything off this site, please put our group's name again, as we are given points for this also. Every little bit helps! THANKS!
Remember the pink beds that Gloria gave me for the foster dogs. They ARE for the foster dogs-- however, I haven't convinced the rest of the dogs about that rule. Cranberry, above, is curled up in one that also has a plushy red blanket in it. She is very content.
My "grandogs", Wicket and Lottie, are also sharing one-- it's really just for one dog, but hey, two dogs can get in (okay so one is over the edge, but they don't care).
Wicket now has it to himself-- and he looks like he is guarding it. ;-)
THIS is a foster dog! Anna loves the pink beds.
She's so cute I had to put her twice.
And then there is Kallie, my daughter's chocolate lab. Now this is ridiculous-- she is WAY too big for this pink bed. Maybe she really wants to be a Pekingese!
She's very comfortable, really. I'm not sure how much of her is really in the bed, but she's doing her best.
The crate in the corner is Kallie's bed-- and Wicket is in it. If Kallie is going to use his bed, HE WILL USE HER BED!! Fair is fair!!