Saturday, January 30, 2010


This is Lacy. She just came to me from a Maryland shelter.
She is only 8 1/2 pounds, and is very serious condition. She has serious skin issues and may have kennel cough. She is obviously in pain, but we are doing all we can to help her.
And why do we help? Look at this face-- who could resist that!
If you would like to help with her medical care, please go to our web site to donate.


  1. Oh that poor little girl! She just looks relieved to have a peaceful place to lay her head. I hope they figure out how to heal her skin condition.

  2. Poor little Lacy, she does not look well. I think time and less stress as well as her meds will really improve her.

  3. poor Lacy! Hope she feels better soon. She looks beautiful!
