Monday, February 8, 2010

Gracie-- Hard Work/Farewell to Cody

I wanted to include a picture of Cody-- one of our adopted Pekes from 1997. His family adopted him when he was only ten months old and he became part of their family. His mom sent this email: "Cody loved the outdoors and camping. He got along with other dogs and most of the time with cats, although he still had that Pekingese determination to always try and catch one of my chickens. Sadly, in January, Cody passed away. He was over 13 years old and for the last 6 months I was walking him with a strap to support his rear end. As a rescuer, I felt that you would want to know that he did have his forever home with us and that he was a wonderful dog. And I wanted you to know that I think he had a good life with me." We know he had a good life. And we're so sorry for your loss. Rest in peace, sweet Cody.
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Gracie is watching the street again.
She was a little cool (this was BEFORE the big snow storm here), so her mom put her bed there-- that worked just fine and she curled up to take a nap! Oh, Gracie's life is so easy-- but she doesn't want us to know that!


  1. Cody looks like he was a big peke. I am very sure he had just the best life with his family.
    It was lovely that you were told of his passing Linda. I am sure you wonder about all your dogs !
    Mmmm, Missy Gracie is wondering when she can get out and go shopping. Stuck inside with all that snow about must be dull for a girl like Gracie! LOL

  2. Poor Cody. It is so hard when our little peke's go to heaven.
